Message from @epstein worship
Discord ID: 796153552119529493
Huh where?
Femboy server
so cringe
Did you know Etruscans had Steppe-related ancestry by the Villanovan era (900-800 BC)
Pay debt med boy
Brown people stop seething over whites for one second challenge
@ⴰⵙⴰⴼⴰⵔ ⵏⴰⵔⴰⵖⴰⵙ you will never be white
50/50 here no more brotha wars between meds and nords
i agree no more brother wars
Did i say that idiot
Etruscans were a lydian colony
Identify with paternal side
most of this nord/med shit is just autistic and based on bro-anthropology anyway
Fayum mummy portraits of literal mixed raced greeks and native egyptians lmao
Muh white
can we post nsfw
Because muh nordic apes
A gigantic genetic gap?
For real
Litterly spreading degenarcy in this world
families are patriarchal remember?
Unless ur jewish
bruh no they didnt speak indo-european and were still mostly EEF
Than barking to be the masterrace
Or matriarchal
Just imagine being med u have trace ur relevance back 1500 years
what country is he from
Ooooh ooooooh aaaaaahhh ahhhhhhh aaaaahhhh
This is you
Hooting in the jungle