Message from @oistoy
Discord ID: 796582635480154142
Nevermind guys
She's burning in hell
Nevermind she's in heaven
This is chilling.
This is chilling
Doo doo fart sex
This is chilling
Not poggers
poo gers
you can see her fall out of the window at 4 seconds
Letting their women fight for them, pathetic
my President
This didn't happen but it should have
her name?
Ashli Babbitt
wokje up
did anything happen
gimme a tldr
Siege has come true
the revolution is here
ya i saw that lol
Basically our country is having a mega chimp out
Whenever they try, just respond with that
this was such a good bit
This whole day has been pretty entertaining not gonna lie
Woman got shot dead by cops aswell