Message from @Erlik ᚯ
Discord ID: 799935226767343616
allah molester pillef
heaven is not white sorry christians
theres a trillion guys named jesus and not the way you think it's pronounced
Christianity is very silly
Especially these days
Das cap
Lol Chad Haag had a dialogue with Keith Woods
It’s on his Patreon
CHristkuks owned again
Joo onna stick
How will christians ever recover from being very silly
Jesus isnt real
shit take
Nigger shit
I was pinged
@oistoy you should VC debate that guy, he has same beliefs as you when you joined here for the first time
blackpilled again
pink wojak
was obvious this would happen
or rather
no sign that there would be a change in course that the cdu took
But Armin is anime character
Armin Arlert
Guy from Attack on Titan
Hatred malice, even
@Deleted User what's your analysis of this outcome
That Merkels base in the CDU is literally undefeatable
so the AFD will probably stay alive through this