Message from @Vormund
Discord ID: 804410139074494575
imagine so
i dont know
Can they even be shorted?
they can
Most not but the private ones can be traded
So we can assume that you can invest into student loans?
Im not sure if private schools get into the same kind of lending system as public
Im not the one to ask
i dont know much about this
when i was the age of going into college it wasnt this bad
or as complex
it was mainly kreated by financial deregulation and higher interest rates
Sure but can it then be used by investors to create a bubble?
financial deregulation always leads 2 bubbles
so ya bankers b kreatin bubbles
Fuck me
like bubble
Just keep.
Printing money.
Nothing will happen
Maybe we should pop the bubble...<:quaint:804076618061709384>
wall street going to get thrashed and giuli paying for it
Lol plebs getting fucked
pull up wit my white boy he gon shoot this bitch like germany
Me on the right
Old enough to bleed
old enough to breed
Age of consent is arbitrary
Pedophilia is not an argument
Also, "consent"
Ehh no