Message from @oistoy
Discord ID: 805624127020597248
He has modeled his state to mimic the soviet past in many ways
the national symbols, cultural legacy, the history taught in schools
Ice Age was such a fucking BASED movie
@ihatemyself Yeah
Allah makes it so
Wow the aggresiveness
@everyone nigger
some niggas here use the internet far too much and it shows
please explain how NRx neocameralist ethno-anarcho-market-socialism will take over
Like in burma rn
They're armenoids right
Raging In Favor Of The Machine
good film
hoi4 among us mod
That can't be real
This is the worst meme I have seen so far this year
I truly wish for there to be an among us movie, like a really low budget poorly-made shitty cash grab of a movie purely to crash the meme
Among Us
Mong S
Ong u
Fuck the bitch
guys im gay
lmao mechanist b back