Message from @oistoy
Discord ID: 808341403436187668
I only know new deal (important American history)
You will never be a woman
@epstein worship we trust the plan, heil Eren
Eren will win
it would be so fucking boring if this just gets a naruto type ending
@РАУЛЬ☭🇸🇾 RIP, he refused to give location of ancient Slavic place to Zionist ISIS
Please respect his name
Holy shit Lois is that famous Russian traditionalist thinker Alexander G. Dugin?!
Sad about abbos....
Australia should pursue an abbo protection policy
Protective custody
@BigJim how are you such a shit artist
> *the "moderate" rightist*
> I want war, not *total* war
The full new chapter of aot was released today in korean
Gay antifa stonetoss parodies are easier on my eyes
It's bad
Tesla is the longest surviving bubble
this company has never made a profit yet still they don't stop rising on the stock market
More excited about the fact that they bought Bitcoin tbh
First major player to do so (I think)
What even happened to that Alibaba guy?
Assuming you probably already know the backstory he’s either in jail or laying low
he appeared the other day on tv
Yeah, I just read that his disapparence was forced, but I heard that re-appeared in late January.
Ah interesting
I haven’t kept up with the developments on that tbh
its good