Message from @Twottle_Bird
Discord ID: 812375530862018601
Why do communists do this
Appeal to imagination isn't really convincing when you're supposed to be using historical materialism to prove me wrong
book man said communism will happen
I felt bored yesterday so I dropped an entire argument against "the end of history" in a commie debate subreddit
The only person to engage with it is a lofty commie retard
I wrote out this whole essay, Jacques posts his Ls online I guess
thanks king
@Perspective Philosophy you are a pedophile.
i have proof
mfw perpective philosphy is sus
this guy genuinely looks like a pedophile
hi twottle
I can't wait until I get to watch this debate after school
watch it during school
just put discord on full blast
mog everyone in the class
honestly chad
so tru
@Perspective Philosophy waiting for the alpha male battle
no he was talking over woland wtf
I miss Haley so much
ok bros do you have any good way to get a phone number I can use to sign up on twitter with
Ask your mom if you can use hers
burner phone
get them from a gas station for like 10$. I wouldn't waste the money tho
buy a sim
Google voice?
i have a good site generating phone numbers
I can link you
if ur american google voice
I added my number, verified, then deleted