Message from @Goon
Discord ID: 812911807801851944
V: What is your group
M: It can be anything iberian, american whatever
V: Why should I care about that?
he didn't even explain how collectives work?
mete could have owned him there
mete could have owned him fucking anywhere
Is this real
ideal M: so you dont care about non-americans
Thinking about it, mete has no excuse. There are a million platforms where he could debate, and have the ability to fuck up anonymously without embarrassing himself, and then learn from it. He just went straight to famous Internet lefty man.
He said why should he care about these groups as a thing
yeah we shouldnt
unless you belong to it
Burn out
and it is in your self interest
This is a major error in reality
God this is rly bothering me
noone can use any term mete used anymore
I wouldve destroyed vaush easily
with baush
I mean tbh i had a portugese communist friend talk to mete. Mete couldn’t explain why fascism was good and just stuttered badly lol
He doesn't know why either
He doesn't understand shit ig
And my friend wasn’t even pressuring
how the fuck did he get on
god i need to find more debates
He literally can't explain how in groups are formed and function, he just cites examples, he mentioned the same roman x latin tribe talking point 5 times now
lol this is based, why yes I stumble onto big streamer to stutter in debate
This dude is a literal mulatto and you guys are here blaming the Portuguese or trying to deconstruct this and trying to understand what happened as if it was some fantastic phenomenon, as if the cause wasn't obvious to begin with. Are you guys even really racist or was this all just satire?
So true
What the absolute fuck
This is painful
Embarrassing for lighitskin niggas
oh nooooo!!!! someone from my group couldnt represent my views right!!!!
We could definitely stand to mention Ancient Rome less in these debates.