Message from @Gi
Discord ID: 812991110875578378
It was just edgy
I don’t even want to watch the stream for myself, it’s starting to sound like I might not be able to take the second-hand embarrassment.
What's the timestamp of the debate?
About 3h46min
I was taking a piss and noticed my cock is looking extra fat tonight
Keep it swinging
Vaush is a fat fucking retard that should be tied to a chair and forced to starve while food is dangled above his head but pulled away when he tries to take a bite
I don’t care about him.
he's gross man
“pretty soon hispanics will be considered white people, that’ll be fun”
wtf im a wignat now
when your population’s destined to dwindle in size I’ve guess you’ve gotta loosen your definition of who qualifies as one of your own
Boy did I miss something
somebody kill woland already
end his misery
all he can say is sus at this point
Funny video and more anti-nazberg seethe
mental health lookin kinda sussy
its the best server comedy we ever had
fucking amazing
top a
Was Syrian's idea itfp
No it was mine wtf
giuli's like the general who's officer was insubordinate
so he has to flog him
I don't understand giuli talking about politics as entertainment
What would I find entertaining
ur gre
Thank you for enlightening me.
so no giuli vs vaush debate possible
guess thats a no
is there a recording of the metenojo vaush debate?
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