Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 346782079385731072
I'd just use that once, then soap and water after
Any good remedy for cauliflower ear? Just ice?
@Deleted User if I remember correctly you can drain it before it solidifies or whatever tf happens but Google how to before you take my word for it. Mileage may vary.
Dean lister has a great video in how to drain it on YouTube bro... @Deleted User
Thanks guys
Anyone here know anything about improvised antibiotics? Wanting some for my bug out/medical kit. I guess I could throw In some used ones the next time I get a script but I've heard fish tank antibotixs are similar to cypro and safe for human consumption
@Deleted User yes actually fish antibiotics are the same as the ones they give to mammals. Just make sure you take a high enough dose for long enough. An infection coming back is bad news bears.
@Placidseven - MO#5546 👍🏻
@Deleted User also try your local farmers coop
Who can put me in the medic lessons thread?
I was a corpsman, does that count lol
@Deleted User only the moderators can post in the lessons threads
Can we get some CPR stuff posted in there? One of the better places to start. @Brandon Ironside- ND
@Deleted User and @Louis Loire - NY ☝🏻
CPR is very basic just YouTube red cross CPR if you dont break a rib your doing it wrong
I will post how to do the head tilt chin lift for rescure breathing and BVM operation
Idk if I'd post the rib breaking stuff lol. That's how you get people pushing to the spine. 2 inches, you might crack a rib or 2, just be weary of that. Depth is 1/3 for kiddos.
Reminder that everyone who is a medic and has something to share should. Just because youre not a mod at this stage does not mean we don't want to hear from you. That goes for every subject.
Ive done CPR many time on real patients you will almost always break a rib
Breaking a rib is minor compared to dying of an infarction
So have I, work on an ambulance full time, hospital part. I've seen plenty of newbys to CPR try purposely to break ribs because someone told them they have to.
Then they need to retake anatomy
Amd should be fired
Or, we could teach them the depth without saying "if you don't break ribs, you're not doing it right". It leads to pigeon religion like when people put a spoon in a seizing persons mouth.
Literally everytime I see a code, someone is doing CPR atrociously wrong. That's the reason I brought it up. It is the most basic thing, and it's usually done wrong.
@Deleted User do they still teach ABC?
ABC for a regular code, CAB for trauma.
Honestly though, if you are a bystander doing CPR, just open the airway with a head tilt (if no signs of spinal trauma), make sure someone calls 911, and do the chest compressions. If you get an assistant, you can worry about the rescue breaths, but building up blood pressure, and keeping it circulating is more important.
@everyone Did anyone talk to the guys we used home remedies for pepper spray on? Did anything seem to work more than just water and air?
@Deleted User milk, Maalox, and baby shampoo.
Data shows most important things to surviving arrest is quality compressions and how quickly someone can be cardioverted
If someone goes down, start compressions and get AED asap.
My only concern with the milk is if we are out in the heat, not sure someone would like stinky hot milk on their face.
1:3 baby soap to water in a spray bottle. Scrub scrub scrub. Then 1:1 maalox to water in a spray bottle. Make sure to get both the soap mixture and maalox in the patient's eyes. Rise with water good. Repeat the process. Don't use milk. That's gross
^ this is a Richard Spencer approved method, btw. Got to test it on him a couple times
@ErikaI saw you using it, i was using just normal saline for an eye flush which didn't seem to help much.
OC spray is oil based. Milk. Water. Saline. Etc. won't do anything to strip away the oil. Stripping away the oil is something that needs to happen before you can neutralize the capsaicin.