Message from @Kevin FL

Discord ID: 347205982599905280

2017-08-16 00:54:08 UTC  

can we send u memes?

2017-08-16 00:54:24 UTC

2017-08-16 00:54:56 UTC  

good turnout for what seemed to be an impromtu meeting

2017-08-16 00:55:52 UTC  

I want to say that I am very grateful and so very proud of the men who went to Charlottesville and I'm completely behind our leaders. I hope y'all have a great night!

2017-08-16 01:01:24 UTC  

Thank you Lisa

2017-08-16 01:04:34 UTC  

@Stephen -FL You didnt get the chance to speak your concerns on the voice call, feel free to DM me whatever issues you had, we can do a call then.

2017-08-16 01:06:08 UTC  

Okay. Thanks. My issues are probably small beer compared to what's on the table now but I appreciate the invitation I would like to take you up on it in near future. @Thomas Ryan

2017-08-16 01:06:28 UTC  

No problem, anytime. Let me know.

2017-08-16 01:06:31 UTC  

See this is why we have men in the org

2017-08-16 01:06:47 UTC  

They can actually open up to talk instead of sperging out

2017-08-16 01:07:25 UTC

Even The Golden One says Fields dindu nuffin

2017-08-16 01:10:04 UTC  

Hey I just got off work is the chat still habbeding

2017-08-16 01:10:26 UTC  


2017-08-16 01:10:34 UTC  

No longer habbending, DM with any questions

2017-08-16 01:30:14 UTC

2017-08-16 01:41:51 UTC  

@everyone If you have been, or are seriously worried about being doxxed as a result of Cville, or have had your pic shared around or anything, let me know and I will make sure to get you help in any way possible.

2017-08-16 01:42:52 UTC  

Some faggots shared my pic and tried comeing after me and my sister but its dealt with they didnt pursue it

2017-08-16 01:43:18 UTC  

They thought they had my number like 4 times, but no one will ever findout my job or number haha

2017-08-16 01:43:19 UTC  

DM me whoever it was, we'll get them back.

2017-08-16 02:03:36 UTC  

Uncut PBS Interview with Matthew Heimbach on Char…:

2017-08-16 02:32:37 UTC  

Damn it's quiet in here

2017-08-16 02:32:41 UTC  


2017-08-16 02:32:53 UTC  
2017-08-16 02:33:16 UTC  


2017-08-16 02:33:23 UTC  

What's your state ?

2017-08-16 02:33:41 UTC  

Hes in texas

2017-08-16 02:33:44 UTC  


2017-08-16 02:35:58 UTC  

Well, I guess I missed the meeting.

2017-08-16 02:36:01 UTC  

What happened?

2017-08-16 02:39:32 UTC  

Sad! This group should be taking the fight to the media right now, instead we are bickering.

2017-08-16 02:42:15 UTC  

We invited anyone who was having issues to air them in the open and virtually no one who is agitating attended. Still was productive

2017-08-16 02:46:00 UTC  

I saw some talk earlier about activism moving forward. I def favor the more guerilla approach. Any time you do these public facing 'rallies,' they look sort of cringy.

2017-08-16 02:46:15 UTC  

There are guaranteed to be some real freaks there who provide great photo fodder for the media.

2017-08-16 02:47:06 UTC  

IMO, our public facing events should consist of security for our speakers at speaking events. I think these massive rallies are asking for trouble.

2017-08-16 02:47:27 UTC  

A few months ago, I predicted that we would start to see terrorism at these. Well, I can guarantee that it's coming now.

2017-08-16 02:48:12 UTC  

I understand the flip argument... demonstrating power by seizing public spaces.

2017-08-16 02:48:37 UTC  

I'm not sold on the pure guerilla approach. I think the torch rally was awesome. It was public... but tightly controlled and executed.

2017-08-16 02:48:42 UTC  

Not just a bazaar of misfits.

2017-08-16 02:50:03 UTC  

i think security measures are a good idea-- the shock troops of the jews are so fucking crazy

2017-08-16 02:50:29 UTC  

I have a tactician's point of view: that torch rally was our boys on the move, on the attack. The park rally is our boys waiting, reacting. We don't own the initiative in that case.

2017-08-16 02:50:36 UTC  

that was 🔥