Message from @Bloat MOGG
Discord ID: 418542038884024320
4 u
silhouette let's go faggot
is that actually you?
Why are you talking shit?
you're a lanklet
now u
working on it
All i have is my phone
need to send the pictures
im not saying its impressive but you still haven't shown yourself
Wrong channel bud
Nice pectus excavatum Kevin
We actually have some chads in here, nice
I think what Silhouette has is called pectus carinatum. Spooky fellas
No, it’s called big gay
If they hug it’d be like their sternums would fit into each other.
thats an autistic picture
Fellas, my older sisters wouldn't racemix, (one of them even rejected a black guy) but they don't believe it's wrong. I've tried convincing them otherwise but I've nearly deemed the task completely lost. Both are still virgins.
What do?
Just realised there’s probably a guy in some antifa server trying to figure out how convince his sisters not to sleep with white men
Off topic but if a alt right nigger ever hover hands they deserve the firing squad with the untermensch
@Thomas if they aren't down with chilling with the muds, do they really need to be convinced it's wrong
@Fashy Math#9164 I told my sister "It's a slap in the face to a person's heritage, not to mention especially us, it's not good, it's a detriment."
she repleid with,
"Well, it's risky, but it's not wrong."
@Thomas don’t push her too hard or she will do it out of spite. id keep pushing the risk because she’s right about that. say it’s risky because of prevalence of abuse, drug use among children, and higher rate of divorce.
is pointing out stats so hard ?the rates of failure in interracial relationlships rates of abuse
issues facing interacial kids and how hard their lives are
Black men don't respect women
Hispanic men only respect their mothers
They both tend to marry fat oafs that remind them of their mothers and cheat.
Even black girls don't want to be with black men, they're disrespectful pieces of shits.
Even if she won't admit its "wrong" she knows it is inside. That's all that matters IMO.