Message from @sbit
Discord ID: 415719319918346264
classmates info is submitted by the school
i think that page could be fake
im pretty sure you cant just submit anything to it
one the archive it says no pic submitted
and when i searched his name there were a bunch of david hoggs its not an uncommon name
This David hogg faggot is very polished
the yearbook looks real though, if only we can get a confirmation on what yearbook it actually is
well hes probably been in a year book every year regardless
THIS, this is what I kept thinking about after the Cruz shooting, I vaguely remembered it but just came across it on twitter again
watch the news claim that hoggs never presented himself as a student, but as an advocate
no they definitely claimed he was a student
yeah but i'll bet they will say some shit like that or redefine words
keep missing words
idk why leftist counter signal that just bc hitler said it, necessarily a lying press is bad right?
i guess maybe not if it lies for your side
This shit was reported by CBS, not even a conspiracy theory
very believable
"i wish i was an actor"
"thats why im acting so geniune"
this shit is so fake lmao
That kid has a Twitter
class of 2015
from redondo high school
where all his old videos on his channel were made
o somebody already posted this
the classmates page might be fake
"The #NeverAgain caravan Bus One"
is this fucking satire?