Message from @C Dub
Discord ID: 412335840862142484
yeah and its been failing for a long while now very sad
not sure how they manbaged to run it into the ground but their SHIT quality control certainly helped
Must resist urge to impulse buy..
They got bought buy a Chinese company and they ruined everything remington. Even the legendary 700
they r not owned by chineses i believe
its owned by freedom group
oh shidddd @Joe the boomer
thats nice
would you reccomend?
how would you go about fitting that optic mount like in pic?
@NickTheGreek yes i would reccomemnd the hun its a great combloc weapon one of the greats
Are AK's that fire the 5.56 a waste of time?
@NickTheGreek as for mounting the optic i mount my optic on my ak with
@C Dub u want me to be honest with you ?
yeah its a gimmick and a waste
if u want 556 get an ar
Already have a springfield saint
very goosd
i havent done much research on the saints but i like springfieled
I have a neck injury that makes holding rifles very discomforting so I dont use it much
man im sorry to hear that
Its not horrible or anything but I just fatigue fast
and struggle to stabilize
does using an optic help?
The same thing more or less
Its an issue with my neck and shoulders
Would probably solve most of my issues if I spend more time strengthening it.
need to get for nick
Americcana as fuck^