Message from @Zennex17

Discord ID: 360204781056425996

2017-09-20 20:42:07 UTC  

This channel for people to introduce themselves. please post here about what you hope to get from and ethno state, as well as your personal goals and skills. Basically, what do you see in yourself over the next 5 yrs or so. This is important for us to get a better understanding of each other and and the direction we are headed. Posting here is also a requirement if you want to be promoted to the "citizen" role.

Being a citizen allows you into additional channels, as well as a "Overseer" which is the same thing but with mod powers. Roles don't make anybody more or less important, but it does separate those who participate from the rest. The second criteria to becoming citizen is to consistently participate in the server, so do not expect to be approved immediately. The longer and more detailed your post, the quicker you get approved.
Don't hold any conversations here, this is mainly for tabulation.

2017-09-20 20:43:34 UTC  

2017-09-20 23:25:12 UTC  

I think I've made myself fairly clear in my General chat. I'm requesting citizenship

2017-09-20 23:30:43 UTC  

I'm currently in the process of becoming a lawyer and business man. I suppose my best skill would be public speaking. Additionally, I'm in quite decent shape, and am in the middle of getting much stronger, so any sort of physical labor done, which I would hope there will be plenty of, I will be able to assist with after being taught. I'm no tradie, but I'm not a idiot either.

2017-09-20 23:47:09 UTC  

I've participated in or followed more of these sorts of endeavors through /pol/ and the other boards than I can count. I'm interested in seeing if something like this can really be pulled together with the support and effort of a group of determined individuals. I grew up in the country and served in the military so I have a varied skill set. I've grown my own food, cut and split my own firewood, hunted, and learned to live in the woods from a young age. In 5 years I see myself living on a farm near like minded friends and working on accomplishing self sustainability.

2017-09-21 02:21:08 UTC  

1. I want a new, pure White homeland. One for our people to reside peacefully in a non-degenerate society, free from Zionist influence
2. College. Studying Software Engineering, but also probably Accounting and Political Science

2017-09-21 02:21:15 UTC  

Anything else I should state?

2017-09-21 02:56:09 UTC  

so my views on Ethnostates Fascism and Nationalism are interconnected

2017-09-21 02:56:33 UTC  

i believe Democracy is only possible with an ethniostate

2017-09-21 02:57:01 UTC  

it would be possible to have a multicultural nation but with alot of modifications to the current government

2017-09-21 02:57:57 UTC  

idk what else to post here, my goals depend alot on things that have not or may not happen

2017-09-21 02:58:13 UTC  

My greatest skills would have to be agriculture and mechanics, in 5 years I hope to have bought a house and found a woman worth wifing. What I want from an ethnostate is to live like the 1950's when things were simpler and not so screwed up, as well as living amungst like minded indeviduals.

2017-09-21 03:13:41 UTC  

An ethnostate is the only way to preserve a true civilization. Just about everything we love and enjoy today comes from the effort and struggle of the White European people, from philosophical principles to the medical advancements that make our lives twice, thrice as long as the lesser people in the third-worlds. I am tired of seeing my people ground down under the barrage of political correctness that polices us, as White people, and keeps the majority of us from the truth of our own birthrights. I want a _home._ I want a place that is safe for me, for my dear little brother and sister, for my parents and the children I will have in the future. I want a _community,_ where I can feel safe hosting a pool party or digging in a garden, or field, with music on and pets around. I want a _future_ that isn't the slow extermination of my family, my friends, and my hopes and dreams too.
And I can give back whatever hard work will be required. I am a good teacher, with a strong grasp on the hard sciences and the ability to break down those sciences into manageable chunks. I am currently in the process of getting a Biomedical Engineering degree, and would be happy to put what I learn in this field to good use for good people. I am learning cooking, cleaning, preserving, home management, and the like in my spare time. My parents are preppers and have given me some limited experience with butchering and cleaning animals, along with plant identification and basic survival skills. And god damn if I'm not going to fight for anything I need to save myself and the things I love.

2017-09-21 14:00:50 UTC  

I want to give my children and descendants a fighting chance being born in an ethnically homogenous and racially conscious white community where they can grow up and be educated in an environment free of collective guilt or self-hatred. I believe in the 14 words and see self-determination and racial preservation at a sacred right for our people which has been violated in our ancestral homeland, Europe through mass immigration and ethnic replacement at the hands of nefarious (((multinational profiteers))). I detest cultural marxism and when I am married next year my soon to be wife and I want to be as far away from that ugliness as humanly possible in the company of others who feel the same. I consider myself to be a national socialist and a traditionalist.
I have a bachelor's degree in history and education and studied Russian and am conversational. I also served in the military which itself brings a wide variety of skills and experience to the table. I made a large portion of the propaganda for /esg/ and wrote many of the thread descriptions during the first few days. My fiancée and I also plan to start a youtube channel in a few months to talk about topics related to white identity and advocacy. I am considering getting a master's or shorter degree program in agricultural studies or management depending on what our communities need once we put shovels in the ground. I also plan on moving within the next two years after my wedding. I support what /esg/ is trying to do and would be happy to contribute in any way that I can to its success.

2017-09-22 12:52:22 UTC  

what i want from the ethnostate is a tight knit community that is ethnically homogeneous that will actually work together to support future generations of white people. As of right now, i'm not really specializing into anything, but i'd like to go into woodworking, blacksmithing, or something else that involves working with your hands.

2017-09-22 16:43:01 UTC  

I hope the ethnostate becomes a successful town so we can live in a place where its safe from gang culture has low crime and a decent way of living. We can raise kids here and the kids can grow up to be strong and independent. I also am in this for the gain if self improvement and to work on myself as well with others on creating a safe homogenous society

2017-09-24 20:07:06 UTC  

Getting degree in chemical engineering. Have experience blacksmithing. Some woodworking, painting, and paleotechnics. Used MatLab and Mathematica. Learned martials arts. Skilled with blades particularly for HEMA. Proficient in hand sewing; some experience machine sewing. Good at debates. Have a small vegetable garden.

As Julius Evola said-- We must remain at all costs Men standing amongst the ruins. I want an Honor group, a stand for the White race, and a group of people that I don't need to censor my beliefs from. I want a last stand for our people against the Kali Yuga.

2017-09-24 21:16:08 UTC  

I'm anglo-saxon, but I live and have been raised in France. Eventually, I will apply for dual nationality and be a French-British citizen. I come from a christian family although my family's faith does not belong to any paticular creed and I have since, sadly, renounced my faith in God. I hope to retrieve it one day, but I can't honestly say, right now, that I have any faith in God. I'm studying politics, literature and history at university here in France. I'm on my second year of Masters, writing my second thesis about political extremism in the west. In five years, I would have, hopefully, finished my PhD in geopolitical security and I will either be a professor at a university in the UK, USA or France, or I will be working in British domestic security and intelligence.

I want an ethno-state because ethnic homogeneity is one of the many pillars of a stable and coherent society. I don't want one out of hate of other races, I only want an ethno-state because it was is best for my people, and other people. I wish we could live in a world where everyone could get along, but we sadly do not. Human beings are imperfect and prone to identity politics. Instead of fighting our natural characteristics, we should just learn to live with them, and have ethno-nations.

2017-09-24 21:51:41 UTC  

Swede here, interested in history and languages mostly - I speak english, german, french and swedish fluently and have had some latin and spanish, as well. 19 currently.
I'm working out and working otherwise as well (lol) to make sure I become a good father who can support his children, in all ways imaginable. NatSoc politically.

2017-09-24 21:58:46 UTC  

26 in Belgium, parents were Slovak immigrants fleeing Communism, know 5 languages including Chinese, currently drilling the second declensions in Latin because It fascinates me. Software Engineer and I'm planning on moving somewhere else in the coming years, so my eyes are open and looking.

2017-09-24 22:01:06 UTC  

I should probably introduce myself as well. I'm a native Icelander, I speak fluent English, trying to learn Norwegian, can understand Swedish, and even though the Icelandic school system will deny it to the grave, I don't actually know any Danish. I'm 15, and I plan on getting an education and getting a good job in Norway before starting a family there. Politically, i'm an An-cap/racial seperatist, but i'm considering turning a blind eye to any politicians promising to help white people, since if taxation is gonna exist until I die, I might as well use it to help my own people.

2017-09-24 22:37:41 UTC  

I consider myself to be a "Germano-Celt". More specifically I am from Burgerland. But my ancestry is composed mainly of Celtic Catholics who came to the South and New England, along with East Anglians who came to the American Frontier. I also have German relatives who live somewhere in Hesse or Baden I believe, but our family is very distant with them however. I feel very little connection to America, especially what it has become. However I identify heavily with Irish Catholic, Southern and Midwestern culture due to my background. I believe the original sin of America, as it were, was it's failure to create a *European* nation-state on North American soil rather than a creedel detached mish-mash that we suffer from now. I'm more interested in settling in the Midwest eventually than I am in settling on the West Coast as I've been there before and felt very little connection to it. I find the combined regions of the Midwest (Great Plains and Lakes), Rocky Mountains, Appalachia and Western Canada to be the closest thing I have to a "homeland" here. I lurk Iron March a lot, post on /pol/ frequently, along with reddit though it is cancerous. NatSoc. However, to appeal to the Burger mindset, I usually try to refer to this philosophy as "Rugged Collectivism". Definitely don't believe in any form of democracy to be desirable, even if it is all-White.

2017-09-24 22:37:55 UTC  

Cont.... I'm Christian, but I'm not interested in picking any fights with Pagans, and I won't humor anyone who picks one with me. Sounds LARPy (forgive me), but I like thinking of the nation I belong to in my heart as *Markland* (hence the username) since it was on the earliest names bestowed upon North America by Europeans (along with Vinland and Helluland). I also find it to be a clever far-right subversion of "America" since it shares the same three consonant sounds. One of my interests includes exploring, culturally, why America is, has been, and has already failed completely and eats at us spiritually as Aryans the longer we choose not resist it. The Prussian Virtues are very important to me as a person. As I alluded to before, America provided very little moral guidance from a national perspective as a young man, so I looked for it elsewhere, focusing especially on my Germanic roots. I found the virtues associated with the historical Kingdom of Prussia spoke to something in me that hadn't been satisfied before. Thus I try to live as close as I can to them everyday. The only Burgerland concept I ever found truly appealing, and closest to anything that could be called "nationalist" would be that of Manifest Destiny. That I feel grows my connection with places like the Midwest Heartland and the Rocky Mountains which I've always felt closest towards. I think I'm going on too long now, I'll stop. Interested in learning more about homesteading and survival skills as I find that will be the most useful and beneficial thing I can do with myself for my folk within the next decade.