Message from @ram3n
Discord ID: 362326184542994433
love that meme lol
posting some oc
Gnostic Pagan is the short answer
germanic paganism
orthodox christianity
Here's something to discuss; what do you guys think about creating a new branch of christianity that has a focus on preserving the white identity? Is such a thing feasable, or even worth pursuing?
an article on the subject:
@Orchid I disagree wholeheartedly, man made religions will not stand the test of time
Something similar exists called Christian Identity ( It's more focused on supremacy rather than preservation though.
i recommend paganism
not the hipster fag neo-paganism
but like the original paganism
basically anti-racemixing and anti-homosexuality
What paganism are you talking about? Its a broad term
germanic paganism
Ok, so it talked about race and sexuality?
from what i've seen and learned from a certain pagan discord server
wotan, the chief deity of germanic paganism, stands for "will of the aryan nation" in a sense
Wow, cool
most europeans are connected in a sense by their aryanism in a sort of unconscious that's been repressed by the christianization of europe
should the white man rise up, i believe we'll see a revival in paganism
Well, thats what mcNallen is selling you 😂
not just him
It is true, but not in a literal sense
i view it more as a universal need to take back our homeland
Hmm, I‘d say more that its our inner wotan, our will to fight and defend ourself
I‘ve read the Norse Legends by Neil Gaiman, but I couldn’t find a translation based on the original
I just started looking into paganism, you ever hear of Rodnovery? Ultra nationalistic and are race realists
I havent, where can I read more about it?
Havent done too much digging but it seems hard to track down good books. The book of veles is their holy book, so i am going to try and find a translation into english. But for now it seems the internet is the best source
You dont have to agree with him on every issue, but his arguments against christianiy are good ones.
Thats a long one, I will give it a watch after work