Message from @Rin
Discord ID: 360253064520663042
but i feel like i've finally found something
with this and /esg/
i've found my calling
Very nice! 😃
I don't really know about my motivation, it's something like "If I don't do this my dreams won't come true" and thus my dreams enable me to push harder and what not
i've just hit a point in my life
where i feel like i should have *some* motivation
Remember, motivation is a false god. True success comes from determination
Nah I've found that the middleground is best
Like sure doing something because you're determined to do it and your standard is "it gets done", but it becomes a lot better when you're motivated to do it
As long as you don't *depend* on motivation
What is the exact plan, as far as this specific channel?
Anything homesteading/prepper/survival related.
Ah I see
What's the general then for overall discussion?
Yeah, anything that doesn't fit in the other channels I suppose.
this is for stuff like this:
Oh my bad, survival stuff would go in <#359944897676967946> .
i guess it depends on the type of survival
im worried about too many overlapping conversations
Well, most discussion in one is applicable to the other.
Doesn't really matter either way.
Zennex17, to answer your question from the sig chat: it's a new hobby for me and I haven't harvested anything yet. But I think that lettuce in the pic is about ready and it's been ~3 weeks since the seeds sprouted from the rockwool.
Only the self-sufficient man is free
here's the website for their kit.
Anyone know anything about bovines?
Anyone have any experience with family milk cows, on the topic of self-sufficiency?
Not much, I knew some folks that had a milk cow. They also had a couple goats and said that the goats ended up producing more milk for their size than the cow.
It depends on the cow, cow's age and feed. Personaly I perfer more animals because it minimizes the chance of catastophry.
P.S. did you know that there are dairy sheep breeds.
sheep milk
Sheep herding would give the ladies plenty of work and generate a nice income for the community
maybe putting up our best livestock for studding
Anyone know anything about sheep?
not really tbh
also here's a bit of something on agriculture if we decide on mossy rock