Message from @Nix
Discord ID: 360572010839015435
honestly the main reason (((they))) can so easily brainwash children is because the parents fail to get to their own children first and instil proper virtues and morals
Better than sending them to holocaust and slavery school though
i feel like modern parents have just lost their ability to instill virtues and morals
and instead just push equality onto them
Our people did fine without schools until the 1920's
or put the responsibility of parenting on those teachers
or the TV
or the media
in general
which is why we have so many wigger children i'm p sure
only care about money
It is
Rich white kids and media with pop music
So here's the question. If, as a community, we all specialize in one area (one person is a shepherd, another orchardman, another wheat, etc) we'd be more dependent upon each other, but it'd probably be more efficient than everyone managing a little of everything. Is this a desirable outcome?
sounds good to me
We'd need to know the numbers and specializations of people beforehand, though, that way we're not setting a potato farmer on a mountainside.
Run it like a medieval fiefdom, but without the king -- everyone has a role
I'm so obsessed with these things.. It's really a marvel
most of these points can be applied to goats as well.
their wool
would be nice
yeah, I don't think cotton would be possible in the PNW
And again, wool harvesting and processing is women-friendly work, which is a plus in the long run
Wool if marketed correctly can be sold to people for crafts.
Excellent. We could even make them into crafts ourselves to sell.
Set up weaver shops and what not for the women
could wool possibly be used as natural insulators
for homes?
no, moths eat wool.
if you like fire, i guess
Wool doesn't burn.
Doesn't it rot though?
they also make a fattier milk. This is great for making cheeses.
I've been lied to by my home ec teacher from middle school then