Message from @cdemir93
Discord ID: 364104695549132811
how many people can live off 1 acre? 4?
i doubt it
it depends on the climate and soil, and wether or not you want to eat meat because meat is alot harder to produce per calorie than crops
also you dont want to push the land you have to its limit because that leads to food insecurity
chicken doesn't need much space
and you could still hunt
you also need to produce your own firewood
true but i would get solar panels
safe me some of work
You don't need to cut trees
You can always use the ones that have collapsed
Cutting trees is only fine if it is an emergency
@_CREWMAN do you have any higher quality versions of that first picture?
Nope, searched it every where
shamelessly stolen from the maine discord
Did my first hydroponic harvest today. Lots of spinach and lettuce.
Very nice!
thats really cool
You need 1 acre to support one family for 1 year, if I remember correctly 🤔
or it was 1 person.. Can't recall
it seriously depends
if you're neeting it up hardcore in the middle of nowhere, maybe
once you are looking at even a small community growing, it gets a lot easier, you need a lot less land
theres a pretty vibrant small scale farming community on the jewtubes, look at urban farming for small footprint stuff, check out polyface farms for alternative ranching ideas
joel salatin is probably a nut, but he runs a successful ranch in a sustainable manner
1 acre for 1 family might be enough if youre good
an acre is a lot of land
if you are growing wheat or corn, sure, acreage is key
t. farmers son, for what its worth
Wouldn't it be ideal for a community to exist and each family/person specialize is growing their own thing instead of everything diversifying like crazy on their own plots
I mean that would help foster growth for an economy within our hypothetical homestead community too so
Here's a good infograph for what you can do with what kind of achreage.
@nERO I imagine that will happen naturally, people do what theyre best at and trade for the rest
or do whatever is the most profitable