Message from @Rin
Discord ID: 360494978423586816
Up until recently most gays would never self report themselves as gay.
That in itself explains the rise.
Add cultural marxism to that pot, and you get a recipe for modern day.
I agree. However science has proven that women who eat foods high in plant estrogen have a higher risk of cancer due to hormone imbalances.
So on that note does home-grown, organic produce nullify this?
Hormones cant be delivered orally I think. The pharmecutical pill arent hormones, they block the inhibitors in your body that keep your own hormones in check.
If you want to intake hormones, it has to be done via injection.
Besides is thewre even any evidence that "plant estrogen" even has any effect on humans?
Even if it could survive digestion?
no, estrogen is a naturally occuring hormone. Some plants like soy make a lot whereas others like corn don't. My point is that soy consumption increases estrogen in both men and women.
lol did you read that before posting it?
"Plant estrogens do not eliminate all of estrogen's effects, but they do minimize them, apparently reducing breast cancer risk and menstrual symptoms."
They do the exact opposite of what you are saying.
Right, it affects women hormonally but not men for some reason.
"For men and boys, the phytoestrogens in soy do not appear to have any effect on hormone levels and have not been shown to affect sexual development or fertility. Research studies show that men consuming soy have less prostate cancer and better prostate cancer survival."
So at very most, it may make some women a bit more manly, that is if they managed to eat enough of it. And even that seems far fetched.
There are so many things that have much more drastic effects on your body and hormone levels that people do everyday.
Smoking for example.
It effects hormone levels in a meaningful way for women, so I don't eat it even though I'm a man.
But it doesn't.
Show me a study where they made women eat soy everyday and thier breasts shrink.
Or they start liking women. Or start lactating.
"Plant estrogens do not eliminate all of estrogen's effects, but they do minimize them, apparently reducing breast cancer risk and menstrual symptoms." you just quoted it affecting women who consume it.
Yeah, but those aren't meaningful ways.
Meaningful negative ways at least.
If anything, they are just healthy.
I think we're gonna have to agree to disaggree on this point.
You do know that men have estrogen too right?
yes, both are made from cholesterol. they both serve a purpose in regulating our body.
Think about this, Soy comes from and is primarily consumed in the east, they probably have the lowest gay population in the world.
Explain that.
Japan in particular.
It's just become a fad in the west recently, withing= the last 15 years or so.
MAybe it explains the little dicks. 😄
No, that wouldn't be right.... It blocks estrogen, so it would make dicks bigger if anything.
Maybe it explains all the boipussy in Thailand. kek
Seems a bit too localized though.
it has to do with how they consume it. They ferment it to remove/nulify the effects that soy enzymes and protien have on their diet. In the US we don't properly process the soy to remove the harmful parts. Most cooking oil contains soybean oil that is just squeezed out of the bean without processing it.