Message from @Yung Koala
Discord ID: 363865996018057216
Corn has been a part of the American diet since the time of the Native Americans.
It is literally one of the most American foods out there.
@Yung Koala The old should do housework and less physically demanding chores. We can't have welfare for the old.
I don't think American Indians made many tamales...
Pretty sure they ate it on the cob.
Tbh, I'm gonna take my own life once I'm old to the point where I am only a nuisience to others - another worry, just a mouth to feed, can't even take care of myseld
@Yung Koala the old should be teaching the young
The Native Americans used fish as fertilizer and it worked for them for thousands of years.
Long before we had artificial nitrates and fertilizers.
So you're pointing out the benefit of corn now?
What is masa?
You can also make corn bread and corn tortillas.
Touché af
This talk of food is making me hungry 😄
I love southern Corn bread. especially with butter.
We can all agree on that variety of food is necessary for morale and sustenance, right?
I'm just debating for the sake of debating. Corn is not the hinge point of my interest here.
What sort of grains will we have?
What is healthy.
Oats are good too.
Diversity (ironically) is good when it comes to crops.
When we don't crossbreed the crops, aye :>)
If you only have one type of grain, or fruit, or vegetable you're asking for a famine when a pest or disease comes and kills off that particular crop.
Hell, the Mormons damn near died out when they settled Utah when snails began to overwhelm their fields and entire their entire harvest.
Will we have an inn? Like a place everyone who wants to can come and hang out in the evening or during festivities? 😄
They were saved by a passing flock of birds than came and ate all the snails.
We'd need an innkeeper! What a comfy profession
There's a type of Oat that can be eaten without being processed or cooked, you just soak it in water for a bit. I forget the name they call it "Something Berries"
Or maybe it was a grain.
Sounds like good eating
Its referenced in the book "Patriots" in a SHTF scenario it became one of the main parts of their daily diet.
Mmmm, chicken tendies
Fuck yes we do
I haven't had those in forever ;w;