Message from @Yung Koala

Discord ID: 363865996018057216

2017-10-01 01:47:15 UTC  

Corn has been a part of the American diet since the time of the Native Americans.

2017-10-01 01:47:22 UTC  

It is literally one of the most American foods out there.

2017-10-01 01:48:16 UTC  

@Yung Koala The old should do housework and less physically demanding chores. We can't have welfare for the old.

2017-10-01 01:49:35 UTC  

I don't think American Indians made many tamales...

2017-10-01 01:49:42 UTC  

Pretty sure they ate it on the cob.

2017-10-01 01:50:03 UTC  

Tbh, I'm gonna take my own life once I'm old to the point where I am only a nuisience to others - another worry, just a mouth to feed, can't even take care of myseld

2017-10-01 01:50:12 UTC  

@Yung Koala the old should be teaching the young

2017-10-01 01:50:24 UTC  

The Native Americans used fish as fertilizer and it worked for them for thousands of years.

2017-10-01 01:50:25 UTC  


2017-10-01 01:50:45 UTC  

Long before we had artificial nitrates and fertilizers.

2017-10-01 01:51:20 UTC  

So you're pointing out the benefit of corn now?

2017-10-01 01:51:47 UTC  

What is masa?

2017-10-01 01:51:59 UTC  

You can also make corn bread and corn tortillas.

2017-10-01 01:52:08 UTC  

Touché af

2017-10-01 01:52:19 UTC  

This talk of food is making me hungry 😄

2017-10-01 01:52:20 UTC  

I love southern Corn bread. especially with butter.

2017-10-01 01:52:23 UTC  

We can all agree on that variety of food is necessary for morale and sustenance, right?

2017-10-01 01:52:28 UTC  


2017-10-01 01:52:52 UTC  

I'm just debating for the sake of debating. Corn is not the hinge point of my interest here.

2017-10-01 01:53:17 UTC  

What sort of grains will we have?

2017-10-01 01:53:33 UTC  

I want oats 😊 Easy to make porridge

2017-10-01 01:53:37 UTC  

What is healthy.

2017-10-01 01:53:41 UTC  

Same @Mitere

2017-10-01 01:53:42 UTC  

Oats are good too.

2017-10-01 01:53:54 UTC  


2017-10-01 01:54:05 UTC  

Diversity (ironically) is good when it comes to crops.

2017-10-01 01:54:35 UTC  

When we don't crossbreed the crops, aye :>)

2017-10-01 01:54:42 UTC  


2017-10-01 01:54:44 UTC  

If you only have one type of grain, or fruit, or vegetable you're asking for a famine when a pest or disease comes and kills off that particular crop.

2017-10-01 01:55:00 UTC  


2017-10-01 01:55:27 UTC  

Hell, the Mormons damn near died out when they settled Utah when snails began to overwhelm their fields and entire their entire harvest.

2017-10-01 01:55:43 UTC  

Will we have an inn? Like a place everyone who wants to can come and hang out in the evening or during festivities? 😄

2017-10-01 01:55:50 UTC  

They were saved by a passing flock of birds than came and ate all the snails.

2017-10-01 01:56:01 UTC  

We'd need an innkeeper! What a comfy profession

2017-10-01 01:56:26 UTC  

There's a type of Oat that can be eaten without being processed or cooked, you just soak it in water for a bit. I forget the name they call it "Something Berries"

2017-10-01 01:56:39 UTC  

Or maybe it was a grain.

2017-10-01 01:56:43 UTC  

Sounds like good eating

2017-10-01 01:57:57 UTC  

Its referenced in the book "Patriots" in a SHTF scenario it became one of the main parts of their daily diet.

2017-10-01 02:00:07 UTC  

Mmmm, chicken tendies

2017-10-01 02:00:09 UTC  

Fuck yes we do

2017-10-01 02:00:18 UTC  

I haven't had those in forever ;w;