Message from @neetkthx
Discord ID: 371141316538793984
no, this discord is for the Pacific North West by the way
Oh, sorry...
I've got family living up there
Last I checked the map there were only like 3 people flagged in the pacnw, figured the rest were people that wanted to move here
yeah were scattered all over the place, but decent number of our members already live in the NW
has the invite link been posted somewhere recently ?
ye Maine Colony is having a recruitment thread, also I posted it in some unrelated pol threads
new members; please read through <#359432753474699274> <#359517581276741644> and consider posting in <#360119581140058112>
I find the PNW colony to have more of a 'Colonial' feel to it in comparison to the Maine one, Mainly because of how white-settlement in the area has been relatively recent.
it is you pebble
No Jews
Hey what’s this meeting about
its about (((them))), whoever you think they are
lizard juice
up to you
Lol ok
socialism is the answer
For the meeting I'm just going to go over the groups goals and what the next few months might look like
I think it will be particularily helpful to new members
might not be able to attend for too long
gotta go to bed around 11pm or so est lmao
i will get home right when the call starts around 8pst
New additional requirement for becoming a citizen: you will have to pin your approximate location on our map:
We have created a map for the group with the aim of facilitating connections between members of the same general locale. If you have a spare moment, please take the time to add yourself to it. Please DO NOT leave any exact locations, or any personal information. A general area and Discord name will do. Thanks. MEMBER KEY: PNWWN or
Good evening
I've been dragged to a show, so I will make the best of this and give a field report about my findings, if you gentlemen would like
The degeneracy here is strong
sounds interesting
pics or it didnt happen
It's a rap show
oh boy
get ready to be culturally enriched