Message from @zimthomas
Discord ID: 465229104879239181
"Because civil law is not the same as individual life. It involves enforcements of punishments of the state on others. Since civil laws will be applied to those who are not Christian, it shouldn't only be based on the morality of God. "
This is to imply that morality is dualistic.
I believe in absolute moral truth from God. Man-made governments are not of God, they are of man.
Should all men not conform themselves to truth?
Can Mormons post here?
or are they too closely tied to the freemasons?
mormons aren't Christian!
is leoprirate a prot fag ?
if so he needs tyo be removed
Say what you will about Mormons but Utah is a great state and BYU is probably a good college to get a trad gf at
Which of the mormon colleges has the fuck hueg rape stats?
@Joe the boomer 7th day adventist
@Ben We could definitely learn a lot from Mormon social organization I'll say that much.
i member mr fuentes saying that catholics are actually lower in child abuse than people usually claim
anyone have source on that
@zimthomas the clergy or families
clergy i think
i'll ask around
big thank from big zombo
i've heard that myself
from what I've been told (by smart and reliable people) that clerical abuse was basically isolated in the 70's-80's and petered out after that
today after the reforms of Benedict 16 (then Cardinal Ratzinger) the barriers to entry into the clergy are actually quite strict
cant really take those claims seriously from liburuls anyway when they dont even know who aisha tbh tbh
there is a distributist video where he talks about these stats...
I'm pretty sure this is the video. I'll still look for the stats though.
sweet cheers bud
More required reading for all Catholics
tldr Sacred Heart Nuns got subverted by psychologists in the 70's
pray for my mother shes in the ER shes a good catholic
A prior pope once decreed that priests breaking their vows of chastity would result in execution. I think we need to revive the practice
we will soon brother
Beautiful melodies heavenly words
seeing how unforgiving the world can be really shows how merciful god is
I like the parable about the man who was forgiven 10,000 talents
At this point why would anyone on our side still think it’s a good idea to pump atheism/paganism.
Lmao get a load of this pagan