Message from @Solipsistic Vinarchy

Discord ID: 420591826421022720

2018-03-05 19:33:26 UTC  


2018-03-05 22:52:44 UTC seems close to race to talk retirement they must have an establishment stooge lined up

2018-03-06 00:10:25 UTC  

"These two words have gained lots of power in the alt right and its troubling. Those words: mom gay. And in this episode of Vice Documentaries we take a deep dive into a world of misogynists and homophobes."

2018-03-06 00:19:46 UTC  

@NickTheGreek Please tell me what you just quoted is bullshit?

2018-03-06 00:19:51 UTC  

Actually pleading here.

2018-03-06 00:21:32 UTC  

haha it is but it was hard to tell whats real from those faggots right? you can just picture the barely male fag looking into the camera in a dark room etc etc vice might have been cool at one point but now everything they put out is cookie cutter lefty bs

2018-03-06 00:22:14 UTC  

Thank Christ...

2018-03-06 00:24:38 UTC  

tbh i would not be surprised if someone lower tier like vox takes on the "you're mom gay" meme and goes through a line the one above at the beginning

2018-03-06 13:54:41 UTC good news if true

So lets break this down.

Kim Cant feed his people because he cant trade his coal.

If trump gets a coal trade with NK energy will be so cheap.

Then if he breaks up OPEC monopoly.

In theory he can solve NK, dissolve nuclear war, and solve the energy crisis all on one presidency.

Rumor has it NK is aggressive against zionists and the world bank. So if this goes south you know whos fault it is.

2018-03-06 13:55:01 UTC  

Putting this in here so people can see. I mnow theres people who only frequent this channel

2018-03-06 14:32:46 UTC  


2018-03-06 14:37:45 UTC  

If Don actually pulls this off, its ending up in history books right next to Nixon with Détente, Reagan proposing the START treaty, and possibly as a footnote under the Cuban Missle Crisis.

2018-03-06 14:39:08 UTC  

i wonder if kim has read art of the deal

2018-03-06 14:39:21 UTC  

Obama won a Nobel peace prize for improving an existing nuclear disarmament treaty between the US and Russia (and we had to give up more of our arsenal than them. Don could make a serious case for one of his own

2018-03-06 14:39:32 UTC  

It would be smart of him to do so

2018-03-06 14:39:42 UTC  

I also saw this today

2018-03-06 14:39:53 UTC  

no more need for middle eastern wars boys

2018-03-06 14:41:45 UTC  

maybe we'll actually be able to build some real cities with that beautiful oil money

2018-03-06 14:41:49 UTC

2018-03-06 14:43:24 UTC  

Nope. Its all gonna go towards welfare payments

2018-03-06 14:43:38 UTC  

this is probably true

2018-03-06 14:43:40 UTC  

Gotta keep those malt liquor companies in business

2018-03-06 14:44:01 UTC  

sheeeeeit dawg

2018-03-06 14:47:17 UTC  

The fact that we are going to be the leading oil producer, when we were already exploding in the energy market thanks to natural gas from fracking, AND Trump wants to tap into our massive coal reserves

2018-03-06 14:47:39 UTC  

Honestly I think he should hold off on that haha. We dont want to blow our energy load so quickly

2018-03-06 20:23:08 UTC  

What do you guys think about Kim? Is he serious about being open to denuclearization? This is the first time we have heard the regime even put this on the table.

2018-03-06 20:57:04 UTC  

i think he knows trump is serious

2018-03-06 20:57:29 UTC  

hes isolated them from china

2018-03-06 20:57:38 UTC  

and upped the troops in that region

2018-03-06 20:57:49 UTC  

with aircraft carriers and tons of stuff

2018-03-06 21:00:08 UTC  

and another powerful move was the theatre he pulled a while back when everyone thought he was cucking

2018-03-06 21:00:29 UTC  

He was meeting with Xi and bombed Syria while Xi was there with him

2018-03-06 21:00:45 UTC  

total theatre

2018-03-06 21:11:18 UTC  

honestly all these cucks saying "7d hungry hungry hippos" really are closing themselves off from appreciating Trump's abilities

2018-03-07 01:02:54 UTC  

Just say an ad for a shirt brand that wants to make shirts look good untucked.

2018-03-07 01:02:57 UTC  


2018-03-07 01:48:27 UTC  

@Solipsistic Vinarchy We'll be fighting wars in africa soon, one of the reasons why we're in Niger is because of the uranium deposits they have

2018-03-07 01:53:39 UTC  

Back to jungle fighting we go