Message from @Oskar

Discord ID: 527990054019268620

2018-12-27 22:53:58 UTC  

hardly any anti system communists

2018-12-27 22:54:03 UTC  

imagine living in UK

2018-12-27 22:54:08 UTC  

and doxxing yourself like retard

2018-12-27 22:54:15 UTC  

then you end up like blitz

2018-12-27 22:54:16 UTC  

and soldat

butt scratch girl is on kiwi farms again

dating dark foreigner

2018-12-27 22:55:49 UTC

2018-12-27 22:56:09 UTC  

butt scratch girl cut up by blitz, spammed on discord servers hops into bed with blitz's friends as soon as blitz leaves her

trad waifu material

2018-12-27 22:57:17 UTC  


2018-12-27 22:57:22 UTC  

isnt df fat as shit

2018-12-27 22:57:36 UTC  


2018-12-27 22:57:50 UTC  

I don't he's a human being tbh

butt scratch girl just can't go with out a man in her life

imagine dating blitz

and letting a fat fuck cut you up

2018-12-27 23:08:43 UTC  

**anon from pagan thread**

Yeah, it's rare to find a Christian that actually can debate the roots of their religion. Not the psychobabble and rehearsed lines taught in churches to create robots, but rather than actual hard facts behind their faith. Where it came from. Who created it. What are the main tenants. Who influenced it. Who wrote it all down.

They think they're standing on a rock, but it's really a mound of loose sidewalk pebbles. At least Judaism and Islam have the temerity to be openly fucking psychotic, Judaism being a racial supremacist religion and Islam being a pedophile death cult.

Christianity doesn't seem to be based on much of anything, just what people BELIEVE it to mean. Which is why there's so many different sects of Christianity, and why I also laugh when they say European paganism is based on nothing.

They need to look in a mirror.

2018-12-27 23:23:58 UTC

2018-12-27 23:24:13 UTC  

Based random spider in my room caught bug and is eating him right now

2018-12-27 23:24:31 UTC  


2018-12-27 23:24:44 UTC  

Fucking fly gets raped by spider

2018-12-27 23:26:18 UTC  

The spider is an avatar of Kali

2018-12-27 23:43:22 UTC  

@Oskar who is that?

2018-12-27 23:43:35 UTC  

Ur mom

2018-12-27 23:43:41 UTC  


2018-12-27 23:43:42 UTC  


2018-12-27 23:43:45 UTC  


2018-12-27 23:43:54 UTC  

That person seems familiar for some reason

2018-12-27 23:45:10 UTC

2018-12-27 23:46:43 UTC

2018-12-27 23:48:14 UTC

2018-12-27 23:49:34 UTC  


2018-12-28 00:07:25 UTC  

The following text is a manifest of the Sinister Server of Carpathid made in response to the drama in RWMS

The nazarene lemmings in RWMS have been a threat to the Noctulian cause for too long. We need to end their actions by bringing the server down, so the Collapse of the magian society is closer to us. Our legion's master, ΔŒΔΕ•pΓ₯Ε₯hΓ―Δ‘, used his Magickal powers, accumulated through eating Jews, to control some of the RWMS members. Then, he commanded them to strike on one of the admins, Kremit. Our fellow Noctulians kept chanting buddhist texts to keep the magians in control. Their souls turned out to be very weak, so Master ΔŒΔΕ•pΓ₯Ε₯hΓ―Δ‘ controlled them with ease. Unfortunately, the Master got disrupted with a Lehjite Dinohussar charging on him along some BalkanoΓ―ds, one holding a machete, another one with a big brain, similiar to the Bogdanov brothers, and the last one with the Macedonian Sun on a shield. Therefore, he lost control over sinister forces in the magians, and they lost the raid even before starting it. One DΓ¦mon got lost in the mildly corpulent body of one French magian, known as Louis. The second DΓ¦mon got to another French nazarene, known as Babouche, where he managed to desecrate his mind forever, as the hate to Kremit shall grow and grow. He shall turn into a fellow Sinister Warrior soon, and join the French O9A. The third got to a BalkanoΓ―d soul known as Roki, where he got insulted in Bulgarian while being forced to listen to metal. He escaped the body as fast as a nigger. The other DΓ¦mons returned to the Sinister Realm without turbulences. However, this shall not be the end of our Sinister Activity against RWMS. Master ΔŒΔΕ•pΓ₯Ε₯hΓ―Δ‘ is already witnessing Unholy Meth Visions, that shall guide him to a better strategy against the magian server. Stay strong, fellow Warriors ov Baphomet!


2018-12-28 00:08:04 UTC  

@Carpathid Damn I wish you had seen the shitstorm that happened yesterday in RWMS lol

2018-12-28 01:27:52 UTC  


2018-12-28 03:15:21 UTC  

@π™³πš’πš’πš—πš πš‚πšžπš— I heard she just gets passed around the AWD gang

2018-12-28 03:16:06 UTC  

Very trad.

2018-12-28 05:53:30 UTC  

@Deleted User sex with children