Message from @clean
Discord ID: 462472063836487680
anything significant?
Either way it set Christopher Mathias off so that's good
i’m not sure that’s why i ask
i would say not much
we know that people like Trump agree in essence with the 14 words (probably most of us here do) I don't really think any signaling towards it tells us anything we don't already know
like I'm not saying Trump would actually assent to a statement like the 14 words but in essence he would probably have to agree it's a good maxim
see idk though. that’s what i wonder. is trump in tune with that kind of thing? i think his “very fine people” comment was taken out of proportion to mean he was an apologist for neo nazi’s. what makes you think trump would implicitly endorse that @Scooter2000 ? not disagreeing just curious. id like to think so
if it sounds like i’m being a prick i’m not this is something that i continuously think about as to what trumps power level really is
he has explicitly assented to a number of particularist sentiments
like that book said he has a book of hitler quotes he reads every night. i doubt that’s true but idk
"We're going to make America great again!"
"We're gonna build a wall and Mexico is going to pay for it!"
"Not their best people.."
etc. etc.
Like he clearly believes in an American particularism. Like I said I don't think he would ever explicitly assent to the 14 words privately or publicly but I would find it very difficult for someone who is so passionate about preserving American identity and providing the impetus for a renaissance would be so tone deaf they don't realize there is a big demographic problem
and that's what the 14 words mean
there is a demographic problem
we have to preserve ourselves
and allow it to flourish
It's a pretty nice phrase it just carries a hell of a lot of baggage. Like the Roman salute, nice gesture but loaded.
yeah that’s probably the truest way to put it. i don’t think his very fine people comments were as loaded as people think but the fact that he even went as far to say that is telling. thanks @Scooter2000 that was a pretty wise response. particularism is a good way to put it. especially considering shit hole comment and things like that. he definitely sees race
your're welcome and thanks
real question, does anyone have any links to actual studies for "certain races inately more intelligent than others solely due to their race" please @ me
@clean Well you're never going to get that type of information
@Scooter2000 what hes saying is that the deliberate use of "we must secure" to start off a message, that is exactly 14 words long, on a topic that is crucial to the question of US demographics (immigration and border sec) is a pretty heavy dog whistle, if not a heavy wink and nod about where peoples loyalties actually lie.
i gathered that
i don't think it really tells us anything we don't already understand
@clean That's not a scientifically posed question and your not going to get a scientific answer for it.
ok do you have any links for me?
@clean Why don't you just look at any of the HBD stuff that Ryan Faulk talks about?
I think Trumps response to the 14 words would be "why not? What's wrong with that?"
It literally just says whypipo deserve a future
@NormanLord @Scooter2000 @BottomoftheNinth
who tf counts by 88’s
HH brother
i’m pretty shocked
@bress222 I think you cracked the code <:grug:420405237019443203>
that’s the same article by DHS @Scooter2000
okay, this is epic
Step 1. close the bases
2. bring the boys home
3. save money