Message from @Zoomer Alexander
Discord ID: 804076625355472896
we wouldnt have the song American Pie by don mclean if not for that incident, imagine what great song we would have if like a dozen artists were on that plane
do you really think anyone would write a hit like that if it was just ritchie valens and the big brapper
"i can't remember if i cried when i read about his widowed bride...but i laughed when i found out dean martin got killed kek"
volare means "to fly"
the big bopper aka the diarrhea king
if I had a phone that could call the past I'd call Alexander Graham Bell and say he's a loser
everybody knows the telephone was really invented by mario pasta spaghetti and bell stole it
all mine
“Your honor, I will now introduce exhibit B from co-conspirator rapegroyper1488”
If I had a phone that could call into the past I'd tell Hitler to speed it up
Arrested on conspiracy to shitpost
I'd call him up and say "hey pal shave that mustache alright *click *"
might fuck around & put it all on AMC
I'm working
It's true
whats his name
Ok so it’s just about peaked
When knee grows and whores start getting in on a trend it’s about to crash
Sup b
playing red dead 2 cuz
I been working all day now I’m boutta go home and do homework for 5 hours then go to sleep
what u doing homework for
I am a full time college retard and a full time employed retard
Just how it be
i didnt know you were in college
are you studying gay sex
Why? Wanna tutor him?
I’m studying abroad ... or 2
no im an expert of sex with women
not gay sex