Message from @dizbrah
Discord ID: 804089341931946054
might fuck around & put it all on AMC
I'm working
I'd be a better cosmopolitan rootless elite than all of you
It's true
whats his name
Ok so it’s just about peaked
When knee grows and whores start getting in on a trend it’s about to crash
Sup b
playing red dead 2 cuz
I been working all day now I’m boutta go home and do homework for 5 hours then go to sleep
what u doing homework for
I am a full time college retard and a full time employed retard
Just how it be
i didnt know you were in college
are you studying gay sex
I’m studying abroad ... or 2
no im an expert of sex with women
not gay sex
@Lying2women ngl i thought u were like 25 with a job in construction
I’m 26 with a job in surveying
I am studying to become a licensed surveyor
so i was super close
Maybe you should survey some pussy
what are you surveying
young naked boys?
is it like an apprenticeship type thing
Nah it’s like a degree thing
i was so close
with my guess
budget 150 - 250
a cpu with a built in gpu