Message from @Brother Basil

Discord ID: 499670317833388032

2018-10-08 05:08:18 UTC  

there has to be an answer to the npc question

2018-10-08 12:43:42 UTC  


2018-10-08 22:11:21 UTC  

I'm starting to feel like the goal of the right is to get SJWs to turn on Jews so they shut this liberal nonsense down for us

2018-10-08 23:10:07 UTC  

They just have to go

2018-10-09 06:07:46 UTC  

1488 gang

2018-10-09 11:23:48 UTC  

"My neighbor's fifth-cousin-twice-removed's gardener heard from her dentist that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh convinced Ted Cruz's dad to murder JFK, and I’ll have you know that my neighbor is very credible. He also heard—or was it she?—that Count Bohuslav Chotek von Chotkow und Wognin saw Brett Kavanaugh with his own two eyes at Sarajevo in 1914. Do Republicans seriously want to offer life tenure to the man who may or may not have started World War I? Of course they do, to say nothing of the most recent allegations, which I should add are very credible, that Kavanaugh helped Flavius Odoacer overthrow Romulus and topple the Western Roman Empire sometime between AD 476 and the mid-1980s.

As the hashtag slacktivists assure us, we must believe every accuser, especially if she is a woman, and to afford no rights to the accused, especially if he is a man. After all, what woman would ever falsely accuse a man of sexual assault, other than Jackie Coakley, Morgan Triplett, Desiree Nall, Meg Lanker-Simons, Danmell Ndonye, Tanya Borachi, Tawana Brawley, Crystal Gail Mangum, and many others? What reason would any woman have to make a false accusation other than politics, convenience, revenge, psychosis, or the notoriously unreliable nature of human memory? Even if an accuser were lying, better to smear one hundred upright, conservative men than to disbelieve even one amnesiac, leftist woman. After all, our system of justice depends upon the presumption that men are guilty until proven innocent.

Kavanaugh has categorically denied the accusations, which alleged eyewitnesses have also refuted and which, admittedly, have fallen apart in recent days. But even if the accusations against Kavanaugh are false, they point to a greater truth, and for that we should charge the judge with crimes against humanity and ship him off to The Hague. #TimesUp! A new era has dawned, and #HeForShe and you and #MeToo finally need to #BelieveWomen, unless her name is Karen Monahan."

2018-10-10 00:37:26 UTC  

This is big

2018-10-10 00:48:16 UTC  

should we really shut it down guys

2018-10-10 00:54:51 UTC  

Yes, abortion is the work of satan. If you disagree go be a racist liberal somewhere else

2018-10-10 00:55:59 UTC  


2018-10-10 01:19:23 UTC  

Abortion is a human sacrifice ritual; the most powerful known to exist. It was invented by eugenicists who traveled in elite circles of the occult to curry Satan's favor and gain his protection for their warmongering, usury, currency manipulation, and propaganda efforts to turn brothers against brothers on the eve of World War I.

Why is abortion such a powerful form of human sacrifice? Because it entails the killing of the most defenseless victims imaginable (the unborn) by the very persons most duty-bound to love them and protect them from harm: their own mothers and the doctors who minister to them. An added bonus (from an occult point of view) is the violation of the doctors' oaths to do no harm.

The ritualized murders that society euphemistically calls "abortions," or even more euphemistically "women's health," are furthermore carried out in a nonchalant and clinical manner in order to lessen the potential resistance to the slaughter. Perhaps worse, it's generally done to facilitate a woman's hedonistic apathy, laziness, and selfish desire for convenience. Killing your own child to save yourself the trouble of raising a boy or girl of your own flesh symbolically elevates the pleasure of 10 seconds of vaginal muscle contractions above the value of a lifetime of sentient experience that could otherwise be enjoyed by a living, breathing, conscious human being.

In short, Satanists who crave evil power love abortion because it perfectly symbolizes evil within cruelty within evil. It satanically inverts the very symbols of compassion and love (mothers and doctors) into cold, unfeeling and spiritually numbed executioners of the purest innocence.
So, the next time you see a woman in America screeching about her rights, or the ultimate euphemism: "reproductive justice," from the steps of a state capitol building, take a look into her empty pinwheel eyes and know what you're really looking at. This is not just a simple murderer.

2018-10-10 02:08:59 UTC  

what are miscarriages

2018-10-10 02:27:10 UTC  


2018-10-10 03:22:52 UTC  

miscarriage is natural death

2018-10-10 04:04:51 UTC  

are natural deaths caused by god, does god sit back and let natural death happen, or is god fighting to stop natural deaths

2018-10-10 04:05:19 UTC  

im not caught up on da lore

2018-10-10 10:48:45 UTC  

The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away in equal measure

2018-10-10 15:58:09 UTC  

If U think miscarriages are the same as a mother murdering her child with intent you're a dummy

2018-10-10 19:51:27 UTC  

Natural deaths could be multiple things. 1. giveth and taketh away. 2. The Lord interfering in your life to help you. 3. Demons messing with your body to cause you to sin

2018-10-10 19:52:26 UTC  

does anyone have any data on at what stage in fetal development most abortions are done?

2018-10-10 23:23:49 UTC  

About 1-9 months in

2018-10-10 23:24:56 UTC  


2018-10-10 23:43:35 UTC  

This so sad can we sink Mediterranean NGO ships cry

2018-10-11 00:11:52 UTC  

the one girl says she was born in italy

2018-10-11 00:12:07 UTC  

yet she still identifies more with stinkny boat people than italians

2018-10-11 00:12:13 UTC  

really makes you think

2018-10-11 01:54:31 UTC  

he has to be shit posting

2018-10-11 02:06:26 UTC  

39% white maybe that would've help with the demographic numbers

2018-10-12 04:34:29 UTC  

Bringing the NazBol meme to life. It has occurred to me that one aspect of the Soviet system that I think might have been successful is the soviets (workers councils) themselves. A council would be formed and a leader elected, who would go on to be a member of a higher council. I don't think this way of structuring things has been tried in any other context. It solves a number of problems though. In a democracy, I think there's a huge problem with the size of a consituency. If you want the attention of your representative, your individual vote matters little to them. Also, you can't be personally acquainted with them. I think this structure would work even better with a smaller council. Every effective organization is a hiearchy, and I think building up rather than out is the key to making it work. If you had a group of 5 to 10 people who chose a representative, I think the social cohesion would be high enough to keep that representative responsive. The process is iterative and exponential. Looking at organizations as fractals I think allows for a useful vector of analysis. The branching factor of a hierarchy might be used to compare unlike groups like how in statistics the z score allows you to compare the distributions of different datasets. I think there is a relationship between a smaller branching factor and the effectiveness of the organization. Compare an NGO with a military. An NGO involved perhaps two levels at the least, the executive board and the membership. In a military organization, the ratio is small as I've described. The NGO usually at best can collect donations and get low effort actions done, such as signing a petition. The military organization can get its members in shape and to undertake mortal peril.

I think the Soviet structure could have this benefit. I think if we formed small groups, elected leaders from them who formed groups, and iterated this process we could come up with something pretty spectacular.

2018-10-12 04:40:43 UTC  

The whole deal about that though is that with enough people you start to have larger hierarchies in order to keep the small group style cohesion’s and representatives responsible. What ends up happening is miscommunication and overwhelming as you get a large number of small groups with different needs and different places all going up to a smaller number of people as the you move the requests up the chain

2018-10-12 04:41:07 UTC  

I guess a fix to that could be more power lower down as to decongest requests

2018-10-12 04:41:23 UTC  

Also what really is NAZBol?

2018-10-12 04:42:11 UTC  

There's a Catholic term for that, basically make decisions at the lowest level cabable of making them.

2018-10-12 04:42:43 UTC  

Yeah that would be a solution to that

2018-10-12 04:42:57 UTC  

But I think there may be population restriction to that

2018-10-12 04:42:58 UTC  

I thought it was a dumb meme of National Bolsheviks. But I do think that this structure might work with different founding stock and a different ideology

2018-10-12 04:43:44 UTC  

Probably could, just not with the whole population. Good organization structure, military and police structure too.