Message from @Mack Albion

Discord ID: 376446451531776000

2017-11-01 20:05:48 UTC  

15 turning 16 in less than a month
Was raised a Liberal by my parents and was apolitical until about the age of 12, when I started to become more of a conservative by watching YouTube videos of people like Hitchens and anti-SJW videos, from there I found the Alt Right at about 14/15 years old and got involved with some discord communities but as I started to read more Traditionalist works and by talking with friends I had made from Discord I realised the Alt Right was a movement just made up of racist liberals. Recently I have started learning more about National Socialism and Esoteric Hitlerism
My reasoning for joining is to be more active with Environmentalism and to continue to self improve
My interested included Esotericism, Magic and the occult (Still only new to reading about this). I also enjoy gardening and self improvement and taking walks through my national park

2017-11-01 23:43:28 UTC  

<@&372995535461941248>s if you haven't already, make an intro.

2017-11-01 23:51:43 UTC  

17. Student. USA. Raised as a Christian, moderate cuckservitive & republican since birth. About 6-9 months ago RedPilled on ethnic nationalism (it was naturally appealing as I had noticed the obvious all my life but no one had mentioned it till then. I am also of German, English, and Polish decent.), then about 3-4 months ago transitioned into national socialism. Alt Right goys and jewtube are what led me to national socialism originally. I’ve been studying Nazi Germany’s history in depth recently, taking in everything I can find in one place or another. I’ve been in the process of compiling a reading list but have not begun it yet. I’m a outdoorsman and history enthusiast. I enjoy all political discussion and debate (assuming it’s not a emotionally run debate instead of factually) I’ve never been into sports but like being active, and attend the gym regularly. I recently have been looking to join a active National Socialist movement, which is what led me here.

2017-11-02 00:54:16 UTC  

Age: 18
Profession: Student planning on going into medicine
Country: USA
Political history: I was always right leaning but I never really paid attention until about a year and a half ago. My ex redpilled me on race and gender roles which made me get rid of the feminist ideals I had been fed all throughout school. The migrant crisis is what tipped me over the edge in to more extreme views (fascism) which soon became more and more preferable to me than the Marxist lies my professors push upon me. I consider myself a white nationalist.
Reasons for joining: Discussion, I'm constantly trying to find ways to improve myself, I like the environmentalism aspect.
Interests: History, Medicine, Gardening, Hiking, and Camping.
I have good people skills and I strive to better myself.

2017-11-04 04:26:00 UTC  


2017-11-04 04:31:39 UTC  

Age: 18
Profession: Sysadmin for Linux/UNIX systems and Security Analyst
Political Hist: Father is a conservative, around the age of 14 I came into contact with a army medic who was a NatSoc and he set a example for me
Skills: Taekwondo martial artist, gunsmithing, Server management, Online Security, good with any technology basically
Reason for joining: looking for a NatSoc group that's actually active and sticks to their ideals

2017-11-04 05:38:50 UTC  

Age: 35
Profession: Programmer / PhD student
Political History: Parents raised me in an anti-political religion, I had rejected Christianity by 12 and Atheism by 16. I focused my heart into a form of paleo-conservative Ancap/Agorist position, believing that smaller communities would naturally be more traditional. BIGGEST "redpill" was realizing the full scope and power of propaganda and, further, its necessity.
Skills: Writing, labor, academic research, trained electrician, general IT, python programming preference
Reason for joining: I believe my politics align well here

2017-11-04 05:54:32 UTC  

I'm American

2017-11-04 06:08:59 UTC  

Age: 17
Profession: Student
Country: JewSA

Political History: As far as I remember I have always had traditional/conservative views, its just the way I was raised. However a couple years ago I had my first experience with National Socialism/Fascism via the internet, and since then I have come a long way to understanding that this is no mere political ideology and being a National Socialist or Fascist in today's world for the "economics" and "political principles" is simply larp. Fascism is a truth bounded on by the rules of Universal Order, it is a spirituality, a religion, a lifestyle, and a Worldview. Fascism is the one global truth. And talking politics is bullshit, the current system needs to be brought completely down before any new system can even begin to be discussed. In my time I have read Mein Kampf, Imperium, A squires trials, revolt against the modern world. And of course the piece of national socialist literature every follower of today needs to read, SIEGE.

2017-11-04 06:09:05 UTC  

Reasons for Joining: I had been considering joining AW before for awhile, but since I don't plan to stay in America for much longer I didn't see a point in fully joining. However I know this group has other chapters not in America, so I thought maybe Id give here a try just to get started. Besides that environmentalism is something I'm deeply invested in, true environmentalism that is. Having a respect for nature but also not being afraid to tame it, I love nature. I think the natural world should be something every Fascist loves to spend time, being surrounded by trees and nature is the ideal place to be.
Skills: Basic Survivalism, writing, Health and physical improvement
Interests: History, Hiking, reading, gardening, permaculture, music, languages, genetical research, environmentalism.

2017-11-04 13:05:50 UTC  

Age: 24

2017-11-04 13:06:26 UTC  

Profession: Father/Underground writer/Homesteader

2017-11-04 13:06:34 UTC  

Country: USA

2017-11-04 13:08:12 UTC  

Political History: Both of my parents are National Socialists themselves way back even a bit before the Butler days, so I've always been a National Socialist. My siblings and I were homeschooled in a sort of rural planned community in Idaho. National Socialism has always made sense to me.

2017-11-04 13:08:33 UTC  

Reasons for Joining: My political views align here, and I have a great interest in Deep Ecology.

2017-11-04 13:11:11 UTC  

Skills: Writing, handiwork, farming, multilingual, meditation, hiking, guns, etc.

2017-11-04 13:11:50 UTC  

Interests: Politics, history, reading, writing, birdwatching, learning languages, esotericism, mathematics, robotics.

2017-11-04 13:36:37 UTC  

Jesus dude your early child hood sounds like a rural natsoc wet dream

2017-11-04 19:01:05 UTC  

For serious

2017-11-04 19:02:09 UTC  

You are everything I hope my sons become @Rifinn, you are proof it can work

2017-11-04 19:03:48 UTC  

It fills me with hope and joy

2017-11-05 02:01:09 UTC  

Age: 17
Occupation: General Floor Hand, IGA
Country: Australia
Political History: I personally became politically active a few mouths before BREXIT, which is around the same time I dismissed the mainstream narrative of “White British (Proper) Australians don't have an identity nor culture and should lay down and die like they never existed,” and fell in love with not only Australian history and culture, but British history and culture through my explorations in history which I was very fond of at the time. My studies in the Second World War guided me into the National Socialist/Fascist communities as they seemed very appealing and I discovered that I had been lied to about many things that happened during this great second war. In November of 2016, I and a few others around Australia (and New Zealand) founded an organisation called the Tasman Guard, with the goal of reinstalling national pride and traditions into the Australian (and New Zealand) populations. I was a member of the Antipodean Residence for a while until I fell out of the loop of communication. I am currently a member of High Valkyrie, a right wing paramedic organisation based in the US. I moderate the High Valkyrie Discord server. I am a member of the Marriage Alliance and the Coalition for Marriage, both with the goal of preserving marriage. I was extremely active with the Coalition for Marriage during the Australian SSM Postal Plebiscite this year. I am currently working with the Australian Conservatives Party to form a branch of the Young Australian Conservatives in North Queensland as I am from Townsville.
Interests: National Socialist/Fascist esoterica, right wing politics.
Skills: Communicational and people skills, my vast knowledge of a huge range of right wing topics, domestic and international contacts, experience in multiple right wing organisations (Tasman Guard, Antipodean Residence, Australian Conservatives, Marriage Alliance, Coalition for Marriage.)

2017-11-05 04:56:54 UTC  

Age 18

2017-11-05 04:57:24 UTC  

Occupation: make High end audio equipment

2017-11-05 04:57:37 UTC  

Country: USA

2017-11-05 05:05:44 UTC  

Political History: My political history really began 4 years ago when I was slapped for being a having views differnt from those around me. That was the point at which I began to love who I was, But still needed to discover who I was. I turned to shit tier "white=superiority". It wasent untill last year that the idea of "blood and soil" was something I knew of. About the same time I started to find people who had views close to my own, and this opend my eyes to the community of people who could be like me. Who are resisting the modern idea of succses. I am by no means a fully developed individual but it is my firm belief that am in the right palce

2017-11-05 05:07:54 UTC  

skills: Good Communication, Fast learner, technical(computer hardware and slight electrical) skills, Some welding, shooting.

2017-11-05 05:09:05 UTC  

faults: Introver, writing skills

2017-11-05 19:18:37 UTC  

Hello, my name is Matt and I'm 17 years old. I live in Britain and have done all my life. I am in my first year of A levels studying 20th century German history and 17th century British politics, Geography and Design Technology.

Since studying WW2 at school i have become increasingly engaged with NatSoc. Once reaching upper high school I became openly Fascist (particularly A Mosley supporter), as i disagreed with many of my friends political views. Many people at my school are Liberals or Socailists, so confrontation occurs regularly. There are many degenerate creatures at school who preach equality and bash peoples ancestors. The reason for joining is mainly because I want to be with people who share my views and opinions. As I only have a few people who share my opinions to which we are labelled ''the white supremacy squad'' Also I want to be part of a community that interacts and does, not only talks. I am skilled in shelter building and bushcraft. Luckily where i live i have a large amount of undisturbed woodland which makes for great weekends. Living in Yorkshire means I go walking alot either with friends or alone. I'm interested in German history especially 1800s onwards. I love propaganda as i have seen how useful it can be in creating ideologies and spreading ideas. I'm a good marksman who is currently in doing compitions. Unfortunately as I live in the uk gun laws are pretty strict so i only have air rifles/pistols.

2017-11-06 00:34:40 UTC  

I used to be a conservative until probably a year and a half ago, when I was convinced that National Socialism was the correct worldview. I'm 16 and my favorite activites are exercising and reading. My name is James

2017-11-07 02:43:06 UTC  

Hello I'm Armin, I'm 16 and currently in highschool in the United States. My political background is mostly just what i've been fed from family. I come from a conservative family so that's what I've followed however as I've sought out doing my own political readings since almost a year ago I've become more and more drawn by nationalistic movements. Thus far I've mostly agreed with Strasserism however I'm not concretely sure quite yet and want to read more to get a good basis of what I most closely align with. I want to join because I want to better myself, I want to better the future of my people and I want to learn more about my people. I typically spend a lot of time reading or writing, and I believe those are where most of my skills lie. The only projects I'm really currently working on are learning German, a workout routine, writing a book of sorts, and trying to clean up my neighborhood as we have a bad problem with littering where I live.

2017-11-09 00:38:47 UTC  

I just found this “App” & “Group” through a link from a page I was following on Tumblr. I actually put a brief introduction into the wrong section of this Page called “Vetting” by mistake & I apologize for not taking the time to familiarize myself with the page/group layout here. I will be back in a day or two and give a proper extended introduction of myself to the “Group” here as a whole. I do not feel as if I have enough time to do a good, well written intro. at this time. I will tell you all I am from Indiana, USA was born & raised in Indiana & still live here. I lived in Kentucky for about 4 years & Tennessee for 2 years before permanently moving back to Indiana. I was born and raised on a non-working Farm we leased our land to be farmed. I grew up way out in the sticks in Southern Indiana and am a true Country Boy & Friend of The Forest’s, Fields & Rivers... I am what I like to refer to as an “Educated Hick” however. I have a B.S. in Philosophy & Humanities with a keen passion for History!!! I will leave a better intro. soon. Thank You

2017-11-09 03:01:57 UTC  

Age: 17
Occupation: General Floor Hand, IGA
Country: Australia
Political History: I personally became politically active a few mouths before BREXIT, which is around the same time I dismissed the mainstream narrative of “White British (Proper) Australians don't have an identity nor culture and should lay down and die like they never existed,” and fell in love with not only Australian history and culture, but British history and culture through my explorations in history which I was very fond of at the time. My studies in the Second World War guided me into the National Socialist/Fascist communities as they seemed very appealing and I discovered that I had been lied to about many things that happened during this great second war. In November of 2016, I and a few others around Australia (and New Zealand) founded an organisation called the Tasman Guard, with the goal of reinstalling national pride and traditions into the Australian (and New Zealand) populations. I was a member of the Antipodean Residence for a while until I fell out of the loop of communication. I am currently a member of High Valkyrie, a right wing paramedic organisation based in the US. I moderate the High Valkyrie Discord server. I am a member of the Marriage Alliance and the Coalition for Marriage, both with the goal of preserving marriage. I was extremely active with the Coalition for Marriage during the Australian SSM Postal Plebiscite this year. I am currently working with the Australian Conservatives Party to form a branch of the Young Australian Conservatives in North Queensland as I am from Townsville.
Interests: National Socialist/Fascist esoterica, right wing politics.
Skills: Communicational and people skills, my vast knowledge of a huge range of right wing topics, domestic and international contacts, experience in multiple right wing organisations (Tasman Guard, Antipodean Residence, Australian Conservatives, Marriage Alliance, Coalition for Marriage.)

2017-11-09 05:59:58 UTC  

You definitely sound like you have some good experience. High Valkyrie sounds interesting I'd like to learn more about it.

2017-11-09 06:01:23 UTC  

How would you describe your spirituality/religions affiliation? @Park

2017-11-09 06:02:06 UTC  

Respond in vetting this convo belongs there

2017-11-09 17:47:21 UTC  

@Park you do know we are from North America correct?

2017-11-09 18:23:53 UTC  


2017-11-09 18:23:59 UTC  

More like

2017-11-09 18:24:06 UTC  


2017-11-22 18:37:24 UTC  
