Message from @c4e

Discord ID: 645704812268224519

2019-11-17 08:33:56 UTC  

2019-11-17 08:34:16 UTC  

@Stevener meet up with me Monday i will beat you up

2019-11-17 08:41:55 UTC  

!mute @Sοlαr

2019-11-17 08:41:56 UTC  

2019-11-17 08:42:50 UTC  

!mute @Stevener

2019-11-17 08:42:51 UTC  

2019-11-17 16:46:48 UTC  

stupid flat earth

2019-11-17 17:00:05 UTC  

!mute @66443678

2019-11-17 17:00:06 UTC  

2019-11-17 18:16:36 UTC

2019-11-17 19:18:17 UTC  

totes mcgoats true

2019-11-17 19:18:34 UTC  

the earth isnt even real

2019-11-17 19:18:38 UTC  

it was engulfed by a black hole

2019-11-17 19:18:48 UTC  


2019-11-17 19:18:58 UTC  

why are you making fun of me?

2019-11-17 19:19:28 UTC  

the earth is flat

2019-11-17 19:19:31 UTC  

it is

2019-11-17 19:19:35 UTC  

the black hole made it flat

2019-11-17 19:19:44 UTC  

2019-11-17 19:19:48 UTC  

thats what you get for making fun of me

2019-11-17 19:20:23 UTC  

hello everybody

2019-11-17 19:20:30 UTC  


2019-11-17 19:20:47 UTC  

how's everyone doing today

2019-11-17 19:20:55 UTC  

!mute @grey

2019-11-17 19:20:55 UTC  

2019-11-17 19:22:36 UTC  

!unmute @Grey

2019-11-17 19:22:36 UTC  

<:XMARK6:403540169992568833> **Hok**, you can't use that

2019-11-17 19:23:17 UTC  

Ah-ah -ah, you didn't say the magic word!

2019-11-17 19:26:19 UTC  

it feels pretty good on this side of the earth

2019-11-17 19:26:25 UTC  

anyone living on the opposite one?

2019-11-17 19:26:38 UTC  

What side of the line are you on?

2019-11-17 19:26:44 UTC  

!mute @c4e

2019-11-17 19:26:44 UTC  

2019-11-17 19:28:23 UTC  

Why are you muting everyone, do you not agree @H8mz88 ?

2019-11-17 19:29:01 UTC  

he was trolling @Hok

2019-11-17 19:30:24 UTC  

I thought this was a place for civil discussion?

2019-11-17 19:30:54 UTC  

this is not a debate channel but whatever

2019-11-17 20:33:21 UTC  
2019-11-17 21:10:03 UTC  


2019-11-17 21:10:07 UTC  

Im bek

2019-11-17 21:27:32 UTC  

Im back to tell all of you uneducated "flat earthers" that your knowledge is less then a normal dolphin's knowledge. A dolphin lives with their "pack" and form togther as a threatening situation to scare even a group of sharks. In fact you work exactly like them but in a less-reality way. What do i mean? Well, in fact, your statments are based on "books" and the "past" and known as your beliefs. Which in fact is false because i can just prove to you are wrong by taking you out of thr atmosphere. You work as a pack by banning and muting everyone that speaks else thst try to show u an other way to "communicate", A diffrent way then the dolphins natural behavior, taking a second prespective, instead of standing strong to your own words and beliefs you actually force it out of your minds to make it seem unnatural and eventually make everyone step out of here. You are being hateful for other humans for their beliefs because u thnk they do certain stuff like a "satanic behavior" in summary, Please. Just listen to others..