Message from @Atlas the Friendly Robot

Discord ID: 640767931176714252

2019-11-04 04:21:01 UTC  

But they aren’t vaccinated

2019-11-04 04:21:03 UTC  

Funny enough the people who’ve been vaccinated for it are getting the disease

2019-11-04 04:21:06 UTC  

They are

2019-11-04 04:21:15 UTC  

And plus measles isn’t that deadly

2019-11-04 04:21:20 UTC  

Also here

2019-11-04 04:21:24 UTC  

Hundreds of papers

2019-11-04 04:21:32 UTC  

It’s physically impossible, the virus is dormant, it is not active

2019-11-04 04:21:36 UTC  

Vaccines are linked to brain damage

2019-11-04 04:21:42 UTC  

Yet it’s causing it

2019-11-04 04:22:03 UTC  

why do you trust these doctors and science research papers ?

2019-11-04 04:22:08 UTC  

<#551617059013001236> check this out

2019-11-04 04:22:16 UTC  


2019-11-04 04:22:30 UTC  

independent = trustworthy ?

2019-11-04 04:22:31 UTC  

Some of the papers are done my independent doctors and scienctists

2019-11-04 04:22:40 UTC  

Which are peer reviewed by others

2019-11-04 04:22:49 UTC  

And proven by others

2019-11-04 04:22:52 UTC  

By other independent doctors?

2019-11-04 04:22:56 UTC  


2019-11-04 04:22:59 UTC  


2019-11-04 04:23:14 UTC  

Most of the doctors who’ve gone against it have been fired and blacklisted from the medical field

2019-11-04 04:23:32 UTC  

Never question vaccines or you loose your job

2019-11-04 04:23:44 UTC  

That’s why the majority of doctors don’t question them

2019-11-04 04:24:19 UTC  

Or because the proof against them is flimsy and easily disproved?

2019-11-04 04:24:41 UTC  

whats the difference between these doctors and their independent peer reviews and the nasa and physicist peer reviews

2019-11-04 04:24:52 UTC  

Oh please disprove all of these

2019-11-04 04:25:25 UTC  

You are sending .com websites

2019-11-04 04:25:31 UTC  

These aren’t reliable sources

2019-11-04 04:25:42 UTC  

!mute @Batcon 🤦‍♂️

2019-11-04 04:25:42 UTC  

2019-11-04 04:28:29 UTC  

i didnt make the claim that vaccines didnt cause autism. its not up to me to disprove 157 research papers. im fine with believing vaccines are good based on my own research.

2019-11-04 04:28:36 UTC  

im tired

2019-11-04 04:28:37 UTC  


2019-11-04 04:29:15 UTC  

Ok you are allowed to be wrong mate and goodnight

2019-11-04 04:29:26 UTC  

lol ditto

2019-11-04 04:32:21 UTC  

My feelings are hurt

2019-11-04 04:32:36 UTC  


2019-11-04 04:32:54 UTC  

Did I break a rule?

2019-11-04 04:33:05 UTC  

sometimes we get contrarians here and it looked like you were being overly dismissive