Message from @California Nightmare 3.0

Discord ID: 640767606067953705

2019-11-04 04:18:37 UTC a mercury tutorial

2019-11-04 04:19:11 UTC  


2019-11-04 04:19:18 UTC  

Been proven by other people

2019-11-04 04:19:20 UTC  

Other doctors

2019-11-04 04:19:34 UTC  

which doctors?

2019-11-04 04:19:44 UTC  

Lemme find the link

2019-11-04 04:20:02 UTC  

Doctors who explain clearly why vaccines aren't safe or effective.

Dr. Nancy Banks -

Dr. Russell Blaylock -

Dr. Shiv Chopra -

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny -

Dr. Suzanne Humphries -

Dr. Larry Palevsky -

Dr. Toni Bark -

Dr. Andrew Wakefield -

Dr. Meryl Nass -

Dr. Raymond Obomsawin -

Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot -

Dr. Robert Rowen -

Dr. David Ayoub -

Dr. Boyd Haley PhD -

Dr. Rashid Buttar -

Dr. Roby Mitchell -

2019-11-04 04:20:08 UTC  

Some of the links here are dead sadly

2019-11-04 04:20:21 UTC  

YouTube is trying to censor many videos that cover vaccines

2019-11-04 04:20:30 UTC  

“Effective” why all of a sudden are people who aren’t vaccinated getting measles?

2019-11-04 04:20:49 UTC  

Because the measles vaccine is causing it

2019-11-04 04:21:01 UTC  

But they aren’t vaccinated

2019-11-04 04:21:03 UTC  

Funny enough the people who’ve been vaccinated for it are getting the disease

2019-11-04 04:21:06 UTC  

They are

2019-11-04 04:21:15 UTC  

And plus measles isn’t that deadly

2019-11-04 04:21:20 UTC  

Also here

2019-11-04 04:21:24 UTC  

Hundreds of papers

2019-11-04 04:21:32 UTC  

It’s physically impossible, the virus is dormant, it is not active

2019-11-04 04:21:36 UTC  

Vaccines are linked to brain damage

2019-11-04 04:21:42 UTC  

Yet it’s causing it

2019-11-04 04:22:03 UTC  

why do you trust these doctors and science research papers ?

2019-11-04 04:22:08 UTC  

<#551617059013001236> check this out

2019-11-04 04:22:16 UTC  


2019-11-04 04:22:30 UTC  

independent = trustworthy ?

2019-11-04 04:22:31 UTC  

Some of the papers are done my independent doctors and scienctists

2019-11-04 04:22:40 UTC  

Which are peer reviewed by others

2019-11-04 04:22:49 UTC  

And proven by others

2019-11-04 04:22:52 UTC  

By other independent doctors?

2019-11-04 04:22:56 UTC  


2019-11-04 04:22:59 UTC  


2019-11-04 04:23:14 UTC  

Most of the doctors who’ve gone against it have been fired and blacklisted from the medical field

2019-11-04 04:23:32 UTC  

Never question vaccines or you loose your job

2019-11-04 04:23:44 UTC  

That’s why the majority of doctors don’t question them

2019-11-04 04:24:19 UTC  

Or because the proof against them is flimsy and easily disproved?

2019-11-04 04:24:41 UTC  

whats the difference between these doctors and their independent peer reviews and the nasa and physicist peer reviews

2019-11-04 04:24:52 UTC  

Oh please disprove all of these

2019-11-04 04:25:25 UTC  

You are sending .com websites

2019-11-04 04:25:31 UTC  

These aren’t reliable sources