Message from @The Scribe
Discord ID: 642746333568040961
works up to 18Ghz, and 5G is 300Ghz
If it works for 4G it will work for 5G
get iron shingles and or solar panels
it doesn't
it will block a lot of it
but enough will get through
real metal blocks real signals but only if it's seamless
I’m just going to buy 5-10 acres and build my own house.
People have already tested the paint on 5G, and it gets through
thinking of reinsulating my room here..but go with extra layer of foil backed foam
blocks 4G perfectly though
the mesh only blocks 4g and lower, just so u know
5-6g will go thru it like open air
Yeah need sheet 1/2 inch thick to block up to 1Thz
of iron or lead
Earlier Homes were insulated with a Metal Foil Fiberglass Insulation. Pre-1980's Homes. After the advent of cell phones they switched to Paper backed. It's a Faraday cage!
heavy metal stones will block it also just so it's a 1-2 feet thick
those early homes also had lead paint
Lead paint not as affective but better than nothing
lead paint had some uses but it didn't have long term coating insurance unfortunately
The higher the frequency the easier it gets to block. When I started wireless it was in the 850MHz range and signal was better than it is today. We could shoot a T1 30 miles at that frequency with $500 worth of equipment.
works only up to 18Ghz they say on the site
Rusty Metal Paint will work. It's red and Iron Based.
Probably come out with a new one for the higher frequencies. Likely due to whatever metals are used. aluminum siding and grounding it works well too
I don't think you guys really get that higher frequencies does mean smaller and less penetration, but there's more attempts at penetration, so it does leak through specially if close range
starting to wonder if it's just cheaper to mine gold for paint
If you didn't have one close to you, then the paint will work for you
F16 winscreens are lined with Gold
There won't be one close to me...I'll miss the city folk though...
5G will reach people in the country
although, I don't think at such high frequencies
Na 5G is short range
5G can also run at 300 Mhz which is totally blockable
If past proves any indication it will be decades before we see it in the country where I live
it goes from 300 Mhz to 300 Ghz