Message from @BaRbArIaN
Discord ID: 628698337788559370
May have to give it a listen
Welcome to New Right Network's Discord server, @HunnaDollaBill!
how do ?
Here he is
sure you all caught that one already
Question for the ladies. Do you think women are more suspectible to demagoguery than men or is it pretty even or are men more suspectible? Honest question, not looking for an us vs. them debate.
regarding the video of the protestor getting shot, while i certainly dont agree with the states position on all that is going on over there, the protestor did just hit a cop with what could be considered a weapon
If UP in Texas is so great, why are Mars colleagues saying the mainline looks like 40 yo yard track? SP sucks.
This is one of the reasons I'm applying for BNSF instead of UP
Jesus christ
Imagine being this stupid
I love how my home state is the only one that's all blue...
Welcome to New Right Network's Discord server, @JacobDenney!
Quite new here
Trump just said on for the Adam Shiff couldn't carry Mike Pompeos (Blank)strap. --- thats how Trump said it. ROFL
The democrats are doubling down on impeachment, Nancy just put up a speech earlier with Adam in a circus of bullshit that has more layers of untruth than I’ve ever seen. The country is in trouble. They aim to remove him before the election.
If they do that, it’s going to be all out 1776
Trump is in Full Commander in Chief Mode too. He’s going at them full force right now.
The democrats know they can’t win this election, they surely know they can’t rig this election, so they’d rather try to steal it by force with no regard for the constitution, while they hold the constitution high and claim it’s why they’re doing it.
It’s disgusting.
There must be serious voter fraud going on in the districts where these people continue to get elected, that or all out political warfare in them, funded by special interests.
Hell, maybe both.
Apparently it’s all got Bernie worked up so much that he had a heart attack over it.
Well hello