
Discord ID: 421781675727388672

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Did they remove The_Donald?

I can’t find it on my app.

I’m a bot developer for discord as well. Let me know if you guys need any help with the bot or setting up the server here. Apparently they really are going all out across all platforms to try to undermine the president coming into the 2020 elections.


It’s time to drop Reddit and Facebook and google and twitter and YouTube. I’m getting sick of it—Them all acting together as one is going to become the end of freedom. They’re overstepping far too much. It’s time proper action is taken to split these companies up if they begin to decide what’s right or wrong is simply based on their political views.

Tried to view TD in the browser on mobile too. When you tap continue it does nothing. But if you tap no thanks it goes back.

It gives me no option to see the content though. When I go there it just says it’s quarantined.

Then I try in the browser and the continue doesn’t even work.


What a joke.

What happened to spawn all this?

Hypocrisy at its finest to be honest. If reddit thinks they’re untouchable they’re wrong.

Wow. What a joke.

I’m fuming right now.

It’s total crap.

On every left leaning sub there is constant hate for police or right wing politicians.

And every sub of reddit is left leaning pretty much.

It’s the same old game.

I do it but I’m gonna say you do it and make it the rule.

Just like the Russian bullshit.

Same game new tricks.


Only getting started honestly.

We’ve been too complacent in my opinion. I just noticed this was happening like an hour ago. It’s been going on much longer.

Thank god.


Imagine if Hillary got voted in. We’d probably be all texting on our Obama phones.



It’s a step towards the end.

As long as member counts aren’t high enough it will exist. It’s time to move platforms in my opinion. To somewhere like here.

Or maybe even our own. I dunno though. That’s a huge task.

I’ve set up forums before and I’m pretty good with CSS. But the magic really happens in JavaScript. Which I hate with a passion.

Did you grant it it’s moderator role?

Or admin role or whatever.

You’re booted from reddit? Why?!

Probably gave spez an eye twitch.

Made him question reality.



Oh man some of those were hilarious.

Why anyone thought it was a legitimate plot to undermine actual voters is beyond me.

And it’s my personal opinion if people are that stupid they probably shouldn’t vote anyway.


Of course. Haha.

DoNt WaNt aNy Of OuR vOtErS tO gEt CoNfuSeD



Reddit is the biggest echo chamber I’ve ever seen. It’s mostly dominated by foreigners or super far left communists who have zero interest in American growth and success.

How it’s allowed to continue to grow into a cesspool of trash is beyond me. There is anti police and anti trump and anti American messaging all over that place. Then they quarantine TD for it because it’s the only sub big enough to make a difference against it.

Typical democrat tactics.

It’s beyond hypocrisy at this point.

Just gotta make a new account I guess. Doesn’t surprise me

If I was at a PC I’d do it for ya. But I’m not I’m out and about this weekend in freedom fashion. Lol.

I dunno. Should be YUUGGEEE


My biggest dislike is them trying to shove the news feed down my throat.

Guess they figured out I didn’t want to see their propaganda bullshit so they stopped featuring stuff I liked on my home page.

Now they’re just outright making it so I can’t even manually go to the communities I want and view the content.


Bold move for self proclaimed fascist haters.


Whoa I just realized all my reddit post history for TD is gone too.

At least able to be viewed in the app.

Holy f%#* trumps balls of steel were on full display today huh.

I can’t believe he walked into North Korea.

I just watched the video.

My god.

History being made promises being kept.

Those balls must be made with American steel too.


Welcome <@297933064363835404>

Oldie but a goodie.

I scrolled through reddit today and it showed me so many ridiculous r/politics posts I began to lose complete faith in humanity.

I just got done posting on every stupid comment I could find. I expect to wake up with zero karma in the morning. I don’t care honestly. I’m sick of the lunacy. Lol.

How many posts do you have to make until the timer goes away.

I swear r/politics timer never goes away for me. The intervals at which I have to wait continue to get higher.


No wonder it’s an echo chamber of mentally ill people.

These people are straight up out of their minds. 6 deaths in the last 9 months in detention centers and they’re acting like mass graves are being dug.

That’s a better mortality rate than if they were in actual free population.

Apparently they want ICE detention centers to give people immortality.

I’m a refugee from multiple subs on my main due to my affiliation with TD. I got auto banned just for being a sub.

Which I think is complete bullshit.


@LukeAG what’s the new Q

I don’t follow it so I have no clue where it’s posted.


Anything good?


If he gets anything under 5 years that means he’s pulled half the plug for the life support on the deep state.

@Afrodite ✧٩(の❛ᴗ❛ の)۶ they inadvertently pay for the wall through trade. Only way it was ever going to work.

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