Discord ID: 622285466682523659
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Discord booted me, could be a purge, back up anything here, IDs, etc.
^^^^^^^I since corrected spelling but it's bad here ^^^^^
look around, ask questions, etc.
More MSM propaganda-retract-repeat
RSBN got it back, maybe at a crappier data stream rate but we'll see later.
reddits, Twit, FB and IGTV after kapwinged.
except that muslim pseudo CP/torture thing, that was a bit much.
it's not that I have any doubts about injustices done. literally Discord has rules.
maybe they are shadowbanning or something where you can read but not add.
this guy had a problem with guys dying at his house I believe.
RINOs beg for censorship of Conservative views, like the soy boys they are inside.
Clinton donations mean they are always on call to support you....
Benghazi report, minor redactions. Names groups involved. Supposedly Flynn was author, can't find that yet. chrome-extension://oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm/
fine the lies heavily, he'll have to bcome forward with truths.
Conservatives are almost the new jews as it was in 30s Germany early on before wholesale repression.
Will get ratcheted up a notch or more if a Dem wins the Whitehouse.
Some of them promise this.
Zuck is pushing employees to the breaking point, like Beezos at Amazon. Chinese methods?
>>>>> IRAN HEATING UP <<<<<
hey now.
look around, ask questions.
I cannot speak for the creator of this channel, but assume that it is for pro-Trump discussions and news of interest in that vein.
I have less respect personally for what the Republican party has been after Reagan and before Trump. The RINOs are effectively the right wing of the Uniparty, and wish Trump would go away and let them go back to the way it was.
Trump is not perfect, but you can tell he loves the country and it's people more than political gamesmanship and power/wealth-building. He has been there, done that.
I hope that the party has had an infusion of populist Americans that will last a while.
Our monetary system is screwed, has been since Nixon took us fully off the Gold standard. While it is damaged, there is nowhere it's not. Going back to some asset-based standard is possible and superior to fiat money or crypto, IMHO.
World affairs have to change. I'm not suggesting full isolationism, but the US cannot be the default Mercenaries for the Free World (tm), often for free or cheap. We are 22T in debt.
Ideologic differences are shaking the country up, there is little civility on the left, even some on the right go there but nowhere near as many. Don't get me started on where that might lead. Again, my opinion not necessarily NRN's.
Colonialism is outmoded. Time for tough love as it were.
yes nomatter who is in charge there will be much pain. Socialists will hasten eventual collapse and default.
can look, not my meme...
they all shoot it down, so if true hard to prove.
Flynn is done dancing for Schiff and co.
this could explain much about the recent push for censorship...
This could be relevant...
busy u?
Rational, she must be hated.
Even Democrat Tulsi Gabbard can't take Cancel Culture. Moderates are shunned by the donkey elite.
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