Discord ID: 594855085495025675
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First time on Discord, what is this place?
/r/honkler is just quarantined....if they ban TD I have a feeling reddit might have a real problem to contend with.
Not a mod on discord, but I ran this up the food chain for you @desperado
Morning Patriots. Who's ready for the 4th?!
/r/Honkler is permabanned. Fuck reddit.
/u/userleansbot is banned from /r/conservative
@PinkLadyMine Welcome to the resistance 😄
<@594033485740638224> Welcome!
Antifa needs to work out more >D
22 cal rimfire or centerfire? 😉
Anyone aware of a sub for voluntary de-platforming? If not, we should make one. When reddit finalizes their purge we need to find a place to go. As a death nail, a sub to tell other conservative where we're going might be beneficial?
♥ I fucking love this ♥
@NJ Honk honk!
@NJ; while a wall works, the root causes of the massive amount of illegal immigration is that there are only incentives to do so. Voting rights, social services at no charge to those who receive them. We don't need a wall (more gov spending); we need to shut down the social and economic incentives of illegal immigration (less gov spending).
We must address root causes to achieve our true goals. Otherwise, we simply exacerbate the issue.
Hell yeah...Im sure the Mexicans don't appreciate all the illegal immigrants either
@EsotericAmerica Thanks for the vid...another Maxine moment on our hands.
How did they get across the ocean?
Just got banned from /r/ I'm a refugee from there
Evening Patriots
My banned thread if anyone cares
@Afrodite ✧٩(の❛ᴗ❛ の)۶ Don't ever be disarmed. You and all of us have a right to protect ourselves.
@Seth; not sure how old you are, but it seems the universities have been propaganda machines for a while.
Yall saw the Dailywire report where illegal immigrants are trying to buy children to cross the border and make up a fake family right?
@yunglenin Yep, but damn if it aint in schools all over the South too...crazy down here as well
@Afrodite ✧٩(の❛ᴗ❛ の)۶ FR! Link inbound
Cali?! Get out ASAP!
@Spooky Some folks can't let go of a dream 😉
@StormyTheDeadRabbit Know a few latinos in the military. Good people. Conservative folks too. The irony is that if the open borders push from the dems succeeds, they might be letting in more GOP than they think
@yunglenin I'm actually okay with the's the true leftists that are the threat to America
@Afrodite ✧٩(の❛ᴗ❛ の)۶ @yunglenin Pretty large divide between the true dems and the justice dems...but they team up because they fully believe all the illegal immigrants will vote blue locally and at the state level. More blue states equal better possibility of control over the people.
@yunglenin Someone who is anti-capitalism in a boiled down sense
Most liberals are pro-cap
Okay time for me to go try and finish George Washington's biography, if y'all haven't read it, OMG it's a Ron Chernow:
Night Patriots...MAGA
I WAS going to go read...but things got a little dicey didn't they? :p
*was an obvious troll
You folks enjoy your evening. Back to my book. Keep America Great y'all! 😃
Okay I'm really putting my phone down now
Austin...doin it like San Fran....morons
@BaRbArIaN Presidente O'Rourke es muy mal, amigo!
@thierry IDK about that...all I know is we're keeping America great. The opposition doesn't let up so neither do we! MAGA
@BaRbArIaN contribuyente financiado!
Streisand effect!
Any word on why Pence was called back?
Was that sub incident why?
"The Russian sub escorting the nuclear submarine responded with a Balkan 2000 torpedo and scuttled the US vessel." HOLY FUCK
Yes ma'am I can
got a count of 189
@SarahCorriher Hey! Just wanted to say I checked out your twitter feed and it's awesome!
Scroll up and check out the link Karl just posted. If that's factual...shit just got really real
WTF sends death threats to a little girl!?
CNN and Fox reporting the same
Good evening Patriots. Finally made it around to watch the DNC debate...holy fuck this is a train wreck.
@desperado Please tell me she got arrested
I really do appreciate that VICE is sitting both sides down to talk
@desperado ahhahahaha
Remember Samuel Whittemore today! Whittemore was in his fields when he spotted an approaching British relief brigade under Earl Percy, sent to assist the retreat. Whittemore loaded his musket and ambushed the British Grenadiers of the 47th Regiment of Foot from behind a nearby stone wall, killing one soldier. He then drew his dueling pistols, killed a second grenadier and mortally wounded a third. By the time Whittemore had fired his third shot, a British detachment had reached his position; Whittemore drew his sword and attacked.[7] He was subsequently shot in the face, bayoneted numerous times, and left for dead in a pool of blood. He was found by colonial forces, trying to load his musket to resume the fight. He was taken to Dr. Cotton Tufts of Medford, who perceived no hope for his survival. However, Whittemore recovered and lived another 18 years until dying of natural causes at the age of 96 (see reference notes for explanation regarding ages given).[2][9]
@HerbAlbert Welcome Herb, Happy 4th!
$5 says this is gone in less than 20 minutes:
About to get downvoted into Oblivion in /r/NorthCarolina for this but fuck em
@thierry We doing fav playlists tonight? :p
Antifa having some scuffles with cops in DC
@agravain Welcome!
This needs to be exposed
Alec fuckin Baldwin <:trumplaugh:594943431525269508>
Damn I was hoping to see ole Bill in there
And Trump makes the list...gonna get interesting now!
@LukeAG w00t w00t...another full week of paying taxes :p
I support a flat tax system; it's the only fair way to tax people:
Just put a plastic safety seal on the ice cream tops....problem solved
This guys in his 60s...grow the fuck up!
@Elizabeth López Thanks for your support and we appreciate you doing things the right way! Are you looking for more of educational resources to learn more about US social stuff?
@Elizabeth López This site has helped me understand way more than I wanted to know:
So technically if you're pro-capitalism, and liberal, you can still lean right (think Pelosi, Hillary and Obama), whereas if you abhor capitalism and support socialism/communism you lean left (think AOC, Talib, and Omar); then there's the entire vertical spectrum to consider. Take the quiz and post your results! I barely lean right and libertarian, but according to the quiz I'm about as centrist as you get
And what @thierry said... 😃
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