Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 400420537081528341

2018-01-09 06:16:13 UTC

2018-01-09 06:16:51 UTC

2018-01-09 06:17:23 UTC

2018-01-09 06:28:06 UTC

2018-01-09 18:39:24 UTC  

A catholic priest, an evagelical priest and a jewish rabbi talk abou the power of prayer
The catholic priest says: "I saw a poor boy standing in the rain. When I said a prayer in a 10yard radius the rain stopped falling around the boy."
The evagelical priest says: " That nothing. I saw lagre gusts of wind tearing a a house appart. When I said a prayer the wind calmed down around the house in a 10 yard radius.
As last the rabbi says: "Thats nothing. I found 100 dollars laying on the floor, but it was a Saturday. When I said a prayer it became Sunday in a 10yard radius around the money so I could pick it up.

2018-01-09 22:47:26 UTC  

What's up

2018-01-09 22:47:33 UTC  


2018-01-09 22:47:42 UTC  

what do yuo guys think of that new guy?

2018-01-09 22:48:15 UTC  

@franti mittens is just like a "moderate" muslim

2018-01-09 22:48:36 UTC  

He won't murder you, but he wouldn't mind if someone murdered you

2018-01-09 22:52:17 UTC  

nothing much @Deleted User

2018-01-10 17:44:42 UTC  

Apparently it is impossible for people to get their heads around the concept, that a collective isn´t necessarily collectivist.
A "collective" can just be synonimous with group.
What Sargon is advocating for is a group of individuals based on voluntary participation to protect the liberties of those within AND OUTSIDE of the group.

2018-01-10 17:46:06 UTC  

"You skeptic cucks are just fence sitters"
Aight fair point lets organize.
"Omg that is so cringy! oh how dare you sir"

2018-01-10 18:20:13 UTC  


2018-01-10 18:22:01 UTC  

@franti what are you guys talking about?

2018-01-10 18:22:22 UTC  

about what sargon said

2018-01-10 19:51:53 UTC  

Never let your enemies define you

2018-01-10 19:54:22 UTC  

@radeon want to jump into VC?

2018-01-10 19:54:42 UTC  

Yea in a sec

2018-01-10 21:58:39 UTC  

1. Currently Europe’s Muslim population stands at 4.9%
In the UK the current Muslim population stands at 6.3%
in France it is 8.8%
in Germany it is 6.1%
Sweden it is 8.1%

2. Even if all migration into Europe were to immediately and permanently stop – a “zero migration” scenario – the Muslim population of Europe still would be expected to rise from the current level of 4.9% to 7.4% by the year 2050

In the UK it would be 9.7%
France: 12.7%
Germany: 8.7%

3. Medium migration scenario assumes that all refugee flows will stop as of mid-2016 but that recent levels of “regular” migration to Europe will continue Under these conditions, Muslims could reach 11.2% of Europe’s population in 2050.

UK: 16.7%
France: 17.4%
Germany: 10.8%
Sweden: 20.5%

4. Finally, a “high” migration scenario projects the record flow of refugees into Europe between 2014 and 2016 to continue indefinitely into the future with the same religious composition (i.e., mostly made up of Muslims) in addition to the typical annual flow of regular migrants. In this scenario, Muslims could make up 14% of Europe’s population by 2050

UK: 17.2%
France: 18%
Germany: 19.7%
Sweden: 30.6%

2018-01-10 22:01:42 UTC  

Gamergate: An online harassment campaign that targeted journalists who report on the gaming industry. Much of the harassment targeted female journalists and was openly misogynistic and sexist.
Gamergate is often described as a precursor to the rise of the alt-right.

2018-01-10 22:01:58 UTC