Message from @Reaps
Discord ID: 402176509982539786
I got a new political test for you guys
I am way too high for tests rn
Holy shit are you still high fam?
13 hours later
No Radeon pls, choose life
I kno da wey to cure it @radeon
All sciences, even chemistry and biology are not uncompromising and are conditioned by our society.
Loans contracted in the public sphere (State, regions, collectivities...) should not necessarily be refunded.
It is a small group that consciously and secretly controls the world.
“One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman.”
So I had to rewatch it about four fucking times
Mass strike is a good way to acquire new rights.
Sexual assaults are partly caused by men's natural impulse.
what if she consnets though
fuck off cunts
this is voice general
100% of rapes wouldnt occur is they just consented
State-run companies should be managed like private ones and follow the logic of the market (competition, profitability...
Sexual orientation is a social construct
Humans should neither eat nor exploit animals.
The Commune is a space for exchange and activism for people who identify with the left. Through this initiative, we want to encourage links between the different political trends, exchange our knowledge and analysis, and pool our forces to campaign on the Internet.
The Commune also has spaces of non-mixed to respect and encourage the struggles of each · e · s.
If you feel concerned by this project, do not hesitate to join us on our Discord server or to contact us via Twitter!
@Trebjonn how true ^?
Is this shit supposed to last 24 hours?