Message from @Triple Hernan
Discord ID: 442797315565027338
i'll use my main and alt
how is this not more dislikes
this is retarded
Boomers love the Hitler was a leftist meme
That video needs more dislikes
broo women being the homemakers and not being allowed is such a liberal principle
and this Nick vid needs more LIKES
I actually dont really care what the public thinks about Hitler because what the public thinks he was and what he really was are so insanely different that this point that it doesn't really matter what they think about the bizarro supervillain strawman they made Hitler into. They basically think Voldemort was a real person.
gotta worship Hitler to own the libs
Worshiping Hitler is stupid
you know who won't betray the movement? a felon with a swastika tattooed on his forehead
hitler is bad optics
Reminds me of Crugwell
jews rock!
Where were you when a fatass liberal became the closest thing to a conservative in current year
I love jews
if I were the UK and/or the USA in 1940, I would have declared war on Nazi Germany
if I were leading those countries in 1941, I would have stood aside
Chat is low energy rn
Imagine being a great warlord of Babylon just to have your legacy destroyed by an obese liberal from england
1942: I would start shipping oil to Nazi Germany and weapons to the USSR
if we were going to declare war on germany, we should've been ready in the mid 30s
watch them destroy each other
@Triple Hernan fag French communists didn't want the military to have the ability to overthrow their govt so they delayed rearming until the last moment
and we all know what happened to the French
🇫🇷 ⬜
guys something needs to be done
that's such a dumb statistic