Message from @Peacekeeper_Cypress

Discord ID: 574623128354029568

2019-05-05 15:27:50 UTC  

ahhh okay

2019-05-05 15:27:55 UTC  

@Peacekeeper_Cypress I NEED THAT WALL OF TEXT

2019-05-05 15:28:00 UTC  

ang on

2019-05-05 15:28:06 UTC  

typing on word lol

2019-05-05 15:28:25 UTC  


2019-05-05 15:30:42 UTC

2019-05-05 15:30:48 UTC  

@Angus made it into a pdf lol

2019-05-05 15:42:23 UTC  
2019-05-05 15:42:36 UTC  


2019-05-05 15:42:52 UTC  

So its Halloween. I broke out all the props and tooth picks. Most of which didn’t get used (200% mad) because they died. Clearing out this church that got taken over Diablo 1 style. So they clear the first two rooms full of all kindsa fucked up shit. Came upon a storage room with those sort of garage like doors that fold up into the wall.
Player opens one. Its empty. No alter with a still beating heart, no sign that says dead nibber storage. Nothin. Spot check to see the shimmer. He sees it, its just a room with a jello cube in it. He goes “huh” and slams the door shut.

2019-05-05 15:43:16 UTC  

Problem solved. I considered that a totally viable solution. Ideally they would be in and out of the cathedral before that cube could chew through the metal. I was prepared to reward them with gold it was sitting on (I reward problem solving any way I can.) So the party opens all the doors. Player doesn’t TELL ANYONE ANYTHING. No one knows theres a cube there. Decided that the previous two rooms were too much and they needed to sleep to regain spells.

2019-05-05 15:43:40 UTC  

Now. Keep in mind this isnt a cave system. Its not an abandoned building. Its an active enemy fortification. And theyre just sitting in one the storage rooms asleep. I was in the back ground shifting numbers and adding more loot to the next rooms so they could get through. They know I do this all the time as many of them have DM’d before. They know that so long as they don’t do anything stupid, they can’t die for plot reasons, as the gods have chosen them as their champions. Theyre effectively immortal on the proviso that their gods don’t decide theyre retarded and pick new mortals. It was like a life system almost.

2019-05-05 15:43:53 UTC  

So that cube that was originally a non-issue on account of “it would take that thing like at least 5 hours to eat through that door”….now has said 5 hours to eat through the door. They left a little lizardman awake on watch duty. Ronnie. Funny guy. The cube ate through the door and Ronnie failed his listen check. Then his spot check. Then his con save. Ronnie was paralyzed and inside the cube. There was no one else awake to help Ronnie. Ronnie had died to CR-3 monster at level 6.

2019-05-05 15:44:19 UTC  

My mate cookie wakes up. “Why is Ronnie standing one leg?” Ronnie was after all, making a weird face and standing on leg, his arms contorted above him. Upon closer inspection, he knew two things. One, Ronnie was a deadman. Two-

2019-05-05 15:44:25 UTC  


2019-05-05 15:44:38 UTC  

No one was around to help pull him from the jello. The other two woke up 4 hours later. After the third person in a row failed their con save, the paladin was alone to kill this cube. Cube won with 3 HP. Total party wipe.

I was dumbstruck.

2019-05-05 15:45:00 UTC  

Not even effective immortality Geras from MK-11 style could keep the party alive.

2019-05-05 15:46:13 UTC  


2019-05-05 15:46:20 UTC  


2019-05-05 15:47:05 UTC  

"The gods have decided youre all retards. Especially you."

2019-05-05 15:47:09 UTC  


2019-05-05 15:47:13 UTC  


2019-05-05 16:07:00 UTC  

You still looking for another player? I'm up for it

2019-05-06 06:32:51 UTC  

@Goblin_Slayer_Floki what are your gripes with 5e

2019-05-06 08:24:19 UTC  

Where to even start...

2019-05-06 08:31:10 UTC  


2019-05-06 08:33:47 UTC  

it was designed by a marketing team aiming to get more new players

2019-05-06 09:08:33 UTC  

Well, it seems pretty sucesfull

2019-05-06 09:11:42 UTC  

My problem with 5e is that people dont diversify or seek out other systems that would be better for other setting

2019-05-06 09:12:16 UTC  

5e cant do horror for instance

2019-05-06 09:12:27 UTC  

unless you homebrew the shit out of it

2019-05-06 10:42:29 UTC  

sometimes I run 5e sessions, where magic is left out, and they take part in irl historical events

2019-05-06 10:42:53 UTC  

that works quite well for horror weirdly enough

2019-05-06 10:43:33 UTC  

for example

2019-05-06 10:44:11 UTC  

i set one game in the build up to the siege of Constantinople

2019-05-06 10:45:48 UTC  

it basically involved them playing as citizens, trying to find away out, as people were slaughtered by the soliders

2019-05-06 10:48:18 UTC  

it involved a lot of hiding in burning houses and being hunted through sewers

2019-05-06 10:48:58 UTC  

so yea, horror is possible, but it is designed for new players

2019-05-06 10:49:08 UTC  

so not the most flexible

2019-05-06 18:50:21 UTC  

Its oversimplified, lacks depth and variety, has major rule glitches. While good for new players punished the dms ability to do much. Death is a story your players know about but rarely see. By level 4 you are on par with older generations 7. And though not 5es fault, groups like critical role, and other sanctioned groups gave an unrealistic idea of what 5e and dnd is.

This is to start.