Message from @DOSagain

Discord ID: 575699563080318996

2019-05-06 21:43:43 UTC  

A lot of them are the same, and a lot probably just got made into one skill.

2019-05-06 21:43:54 UTC  

There are not that many skills in 5e

2019-05-06 21:45:26 UTC  

>nat 20 climb check
>you throw yourself into the stratosphere

2019-05-06 21:47:02 UTC  

>nat 20 swim check
>you create a tsunami

2019-05-06 23:25:02 UTC  

@MountainMan most of them are different knowledge, crafts, professions, ect

2019-05-07 00:06:00 UTC  

75 Disguse. You full charlie so hard that they take home, feed you, brainwash you into communist belief and you end up fighting off those damn G.I. Invaders.

2019-05-07 07:10:21 UTC  

For the PF people, y'all ever dabbled in the occult shit?

2019-05-07 16:29:52 UTC  

When is Pf2 coming out?

2019-05-08 02:03:39 UTC  

Made a friend today. My new familiar

2019-05-08 02:04:21 UTC  

Baby bird legit didnt give a fuck about my petting it. Chirped at me and flew off. Im actually a druid.

2019-05-08 04:11:29 UTC  

hey guys I need help brainstorming short term goals of a medieval street urchin with a sick brother and a little sister that he has to take care of, they live in an abandoned shack in a medium sized town

2019-05-08 04:12:11 UTC  

basically, he's 12 and his siblings are 8 and 7

2019-05-08 04:13:25 UTC  

he's been trying to keep them safe, so they've ended up less skilled than him at general survival skills since he's been providing for them, also in addition to him sheltering them, they're just overall younger, and both facts lead to them being less skilled at survival

2019-05-08 04:14:18 UTC  

and the brother being sick isn't helping, it's a recent development, like within the last week, and it doesn't look good, he's bedridden and has a high fever

2019-05-08 04:48:07 UTC  

Finding food would be the first goal I think

2019-05-08 09:00:48 UTC  

as a member of the alt-right, these are my favourite races: halfling, quarterling & flakvierling

2019-05-08 10:45:34 UTC  

@Angus what is the exact thing you need help with?

2019-05-08 15:04:31 UTC  

Based dad

2019-05-08 21:44:39 UTC  

@Angus well depends. Getting to some form of medicine (snake oil or not) would be a good first step. Also relocating closer to water source if possible.

2019-05-08 21:51:02 UTC  

If he’s a sharp lad, relocating to a more sanitary location. I’m not sure how medieval sanitation actually was, but imagine there was some base knowledge of “maybe clean things sometimes.”

2019-05-08 22:47:39 UTC  

oh i like the idea of him getting tricked into buying snake oil, only further reinforcing his stance on stealing being better

2019-05-08 23:15:42 UTC  

heres the next part. The person selling the snake oil *might actually believe his own bullshit*

2019-05-08 23:16:36 UTC  

depends on the setting really, but people have believed some really crazy shit. Still do in that reguard, especially china.

2019-05-09 03:08:13 UTC  

Reminds me of when a player, who is a physicist, didn't want to go in the pitch black cave to slay the monsters, so instead wanted to basically cover all but one entrance with boulders and shit, then having the mage light a big fire for several days that would burn all the oxygen and fill the cave with CO2, or something to that effect.

2019-05-09 12:06:43 UTC  

Metagaming OP lol.
Unless he was playing a wizard. I think it makes sense for wizards to be fantasy PHDs.

2019-05-09 14:56:31 UTC  

He may have been, I cannot recall the details overly well.

2019-05-09 14:57:10 UTC  

Point was. I really enjoy stories of characters being overly creative. Because there are so often things that go horribly wrong lmao

2019-05-09 15:12:17 UTC  

Funny story that. @Angus @MountainMan

Want another wall of text?

2019-05-09 15:12:23 UTC  


2019-05-09 15:13:01 UTC  

Aight let me get to my computer. I was a player for this one so it’s all the better.

2019-05-09 15:14:22 UTC  


2019-05-09 15:15:59 UTC  

also trigger warning, this involves a lot of bad math that in hindsight was wrong as shit but it was still funny

2019-05-09 15:35:28 UTC  

So we were in another weird plane that was made of a bunch of floating islands. People would take portals to hop from one to another. Pretty neat. Tons of weird trees and bizarre architecture. Somebody ended up pissing off the local town guards, real lawful evil type. We had to fucking book it outa there before we got jumped.

2019-05-09 15:35:41 UTC  

At the time I was playing my favorite class, psychic warrior from the rebalanced 3.5 psionic handbook. Great class. I was a full tank, wearing plate mail and carrying a towershield. The goons were catching up to us, some of the party members were too slow to outrun them. We came to a set of stairs, for some reason this plane loved having stupidly long staircases. I cast expansion, making myself 4x larger as well as my shield. Well I also had force screen active as it tends to last all day once you’ve leveled up enough. Threw my shield on the ground and told my party to hop on.

2019-05-09 15:35:57 UTC  

My DM ruled that were would be no friction between my shield and the ground on account of my force screen spell. At the time I was in physics 201, trig based. I was doing some (probably very poor) mental math. We would be ZOOMING down those stairs. I weighed over a ton by the rules of expansion, and my party was large. So we’re flying down that bitch, making collective strength checks to try to steer us between city streets and subsequent staircases. We almost smacked into the city wall, but thankfully our wizard had icewall. A simple spellcraft check and we had an iceman ramp right over that bitch. I hit the ground with a resounding *thud*, but everyone was alright.

2019-05-09 15:36:19 UTC  

Our objective was right infront of us, unsurprisingly, beyond another staircase in a tunnel that I guess lead to another island. Everyone wanted to get back on my shield and get moving because the guards were probably going to follow us. I just knew this was a bad idea. I could see it my DM’s face. Or the back of hands. He was dying laughing at our antics, but he looked at me when they said that. I was often the voice of reason but the path was set. I knew better than to ask, but I had to know. How long was this tunnel?

2019-05-09 15:36:30 UTC  

“…bout two miles.”