Message from @Amir

Discord ID: 557312378438549509

2019-03-18 18:41:42 UTC  


2019-03-18 18:41:47 UTC  

had a good run

How long till Ramadan?

2019-03-18 18:42:30 UTC  

btw where is our dutch MA'AM?

2019-03-18 18:42:34 UTC  

2 months at least

2019-03-18 18:42:45 UTC  
2019-03-18 18:42:56 UTC  

@Deleted User did you hear about the terror

2019-03-18 18:46:12 UTC  

2019.03.05 France A 'radicalized' inmate screams "Allah Albar" as he stabs two guards with a knife smuggled to him.

2019-03-18 18:49:45 UTC  

yea. a lot of shit do not get in the news as we are so used to it that you need it to be something spectacular

2019-03-18 19:13:59 UTC  


2019-03-18 19:14:51 UTC  

Ah yes Utrecht

2019-03-18 19:15:52 UTC  

Thots and prayers to the families rip

2019-03-18 21:02:47 UTC

Stop calling them Liberal <:triggered:382980748115968000>

2019-03-18 21:11:54 UTC  

They are liberals though <:super_edgy:426099058466095119>

2019-03-18 21:12:41 UTC  

It's like asking people to stop calling crazy overweight cat women feminists

2019-03-18 21:12:55 UTC  

It's sadly what feminism is nowadays

2019-03-18 21:13:30 UTC  

If you were a *REAL* feminist or *REAL* LibEral you would stop calling urself that <:triggered:382980748115968000>

No. that's what they call themselves to disguse themselves and have you blame their shit on us 😦

2019-03-18 21:20:25 UTC  

True but it's too late to do anything about it. The movements have been co opted over decades now... 2late4u πŸ˜”

You think this dude is Conservative? <:covfefe:440543908846632980>

We are holding the fort with your flag on our foreheads, waiting for you to see the Progressives

2019-03-18 21:44:07 UTC  


so wake up or it's Tulsi 2020 🀣

2019-03-18 21:47:40 UTC  

She ain't got shit

2019-03-18 21:48:44 UTC

2019-03-18 21:59:06 UTC  

@Amir Imagine thinking liberals and conservatives are different things lol

2019-03-18 21:59:39 UTC  

They rly arent ye

You'll be begging for Tulsi 2024, when Beto wins 2020

2019-03-18 22:00:01 UTC  


2019-03-18 22:00:05 UTC  

Beto is 2white2male2win

2019-03-18 22:00:23 UTC  

Freedom of speech, self defense, self soverignty, and self responsibility are all very liberal ideas

2019-03-18 22:00:38 UTC  

not in 2019 they aren't <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>

2019-03-18 22:01:18 UTC  

You're letting idiots redefine language for you.

Are we going to use their definition of racism now as well?

2019-03-18 22:01:49 UTC  

i know i'm just kidding <:pepehands:378719408367075333>

2019-03-18 22:09:10 UTC  

I see broo is being a thirst dumbass again