Message from @Nordhand

Discord ID: 560096010576330762

It amuses me


2019-03-26 12:58:15 UTC  

Hold them to their own rules. 🀷🏿

2019-03-26 13:04:10 UTC  

10 billion <:GWcorbinMonkaGIGA:384871327292588054>

2019-03-26 13:35:03 UTC  

article 13 passed...

2019-03-26 13:36:01 UTC  

no one are surprised as EU do want to become china 2.0

2019-03-26 13:36:17 UTC  

Eu is China <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>

2019-03-26 13:37:15 UTC  

Not if China has anything to say about it

2019-03-26 13:37:27 UTC  

But the Chinese are working hard to buy the eastern European countries under their umbrella

2019-03-26 13:38:22 UTC  

it was inveteble they did get this shit passed as they have been trying it for over a decade to control the flow of data on internet

2019-03-26 13:39:21 UTC  

now comes the part of enforcement

2019-03-26 13:39:27 UTC  

they tried to enforce it last time

2019-03-26 13:39:33 UTC  

and it backfired

2019-03-26 13:39:43 UTC  

google and fb do not want this

2019-03-26 13:41:35 UTC  

yea. and in the past they did try something similar with article 95 where all data was to be saved to stop crime but was annulled in court

2019-03-26 13:51:16 UTC  

China already has Italy

2019-03-26 14:11:03 UTC  
2019-03-26 14:15:35 UTC  


2019-03-26 14:27:15 UTC  

@AlephKnoll They also have Greece, and they're sinking their teeth into Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary

2019-03-26 14:42:50 UTC  

I wonder if theyre prepping them for a russian invasion

2019-03-26 14:50:07 UTC  

Today is a dark day for internet

2019-03-26 14:57:26 UTC  


2019-03-26 15:26:19 UTC <:oof:494878589406150657> they are starting to throw each other under the buss to save it hides, as threats of new investigations shows up

2019-03-26 15:55:10 UTC

2019-03-26 16:01:49 UTC  


Sargon was so slow to get on the Trump Train

2019-03-26 17:22:42 UTC  

not really

2019-03-26 17:22:50 UTC  

i watched some of his old videos

2019-03-26 17:22:57 UTC  

he supported him before the election

2019-03-26 17:24:13 UTC  

Yeah but then it was only as a fuck you to the democrats