Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 567403108699996160
What's with the urgency I wonder? <:pepe_smug:560207654207750154>
Don't try and debate them. If you go around their houses. they cannot recycle or Compost.
But it's such a tiny market, I say we punish them and give them nothing regardless.
They indoctrinate the children with propaganda - they did it when I was at school - vote Libs and go green... back then it was global warming, before it was rebranded climate change when EVERY SINGLE PREDICTION did not happen.
i asked thunderf00t and he assured me that climate change is the fault of brexit
time for an raf pilot
Corporate Party. He'll reveal Hillary next <:makes_you_think:382980749780844554>
wait what
i don't understand the no fault evictions thing
what's wrong with not allowing a tenant to evict someone at moment's notice and for no reason?
like if someone just walked into my house and told me to fuck off?
the government wants to ban *that*?
wat lol
apparently that's what it is
It's means that if you sign a 1 year contract to live in my house
and after 1 year I want it back. Theresa May is protecting you
not the person that owns the fucking building
but how?
She's a Commie
the government wants to make it illegal to evict someone *for no good reason*
the end of the contract is surely a good reason?
even after your contract is over
what the fuck
how tho
you'll need to smear shit on the walls to get evicted
wait wait
so if I sign the contract to live there for 1 year
and after the contract is over
and I don't want to leave