Message from @folk

Discord ID: 402809796496982036

2018-01-16 02:29:27 UTC  

No, just something I saved from /pol/ some time ago.

2018-01-16 02:29:30 UTC  

Soyboy getting pushed and lifted

2018-01-16 02:29:42 UTC  

Extra soy in that boy

Extra Salty Soy

2018-01-16 12:09:21 UTC  

"Trapping a sneeze could also damage the ears or even rupture a brain aneurysm, they warn in journal BMJ Case Reports. "

2018-01-16 12:09:27 UTC  

holy shit, I'll never do that again

2018-01-16 12:11:33 UTC  

"Washington is one of the few states that allow people without proof of legal U.S. residency to get driver's licenses."

2018-01-16 12:13:14 UTC  

“This is the basic problem of our country: If the president says something or just writes something on a napkin, everybody has to applaud,” said Aidos Sarym, a political analyst and member of a language reform commission set up last year.

2018-01-16 12:14:14 UTC  

"Linguists, who had recommended that the new writing system follow the example of Turkish, which uses umlauts and other phonetic markers instead of apostrophes, protested that the president’s approach would be ugly and imprecise.

Others complained the use of apostrophes will make it impossible to do Google searches for many Kazakh words or to create hashtags on Twitter."

2018-01-16 12:15:54 UTC  

"The only reason publicly cited by Mr. Nazarbayev to explain why he did not want Turkish-style phonetic markers is that “there should not be any hooks or superfluous dots that cannot be put straight into a computer,” he said in September. "

2018-01-16 12:16:20 UTC  

what a great way to design a written language

2018-01-16 12:21:19 UTC  
2018-01-16 12:23:14 UTC  

"Two suicide bombers blew themselves up at a busy street market in central Baghdad on Monday, in back-to-back explosions that killed at least 38 people, Iraqi health and police officials said."

2018-01-16 12:24:46 UTC  

"Joiner filed suit last October, claiming the FBI was partially responsible for his injuries. His suit argues the bureau “solicited, encouraged, directed and aided members of ISIS in planning and carrying out the May 3 attack,” and is asking for just over $8 million damages.

Court filings from Thursday confirm that an undercover FBI agent was in a separate car directly behind the attackers when they opened fire, and that the agent, “was dressed in Middle Eastern attire and police almost killed him, but he saved his life by claiming to be an FBI agent.”"

2018-01-16 13:00:15 UTC  

"A VIGILANTE group ­has attacked a teenage gang’s ringleaders in a bid to put a stop to their reign of terror."

2018-01-16 13:00:24 UTC  

"teenage", that's not entirely accurate

2018-01-16 13:01:00 UTC  

it's an african gang of black guys who are not behaving like civilized people, and hells angels are beating them up

2018-01-16 13:02:15 UTC  

here's another article which is entirely about that african gang

2018-01-16 13:02:19 UTC  

from yesterday

2018-01-16 13:03:22 UTC  

here are the words they use to describe the african negroes: "young men", "These kids today", "Schoolboy gangs", "teenage thugs"

2018-01-16 13:03:42 UTC  


2018-01-16 13:04:04 UTC  

“There are three or four members of one particular gang arrested every week and up in court all the time for various anti-social offences before they invariably end up back on the streets running riot in no time at all."

2018-01-16 13:05:42 UTC  

“A vigilante group calling themselves the Hell’s Angels took it upon themselves to put a stop to this. Two of the ­ringleaders in the Blanchardstown area were targeted in the space of a week.”

2018-01-16 13:06:00 UTC  

I don't understand, is it HA, or is it just an ad-hoc group of locals who decided to use the same name

It's something the HA would do

Do they have a local chapter?

2018-01-16 13:12:52 UTC  


2018-01-16 13:15:37 UTC  

I have to say there's a surprising lack of documentation to be found on the subject, but yes, there is a HA chapter in Dublin

2018-01-16 13:27:23 UTC  

I used to feel sorry for Sweden. But, considering I'm not Swedish, and all the nice Swedish people I know already left that shithole, I'm now glad it's imploding itself. What a better way to show the world leftist, regressive, suicidal politics can ruin even the most prosperous countries?

MCs are more secretive than the Mafia 😄

2018-01-16 13:31:08 UTC  

>Two of the ­ringleaders in the Blanchardstown area were targeted in the space of a week
What does that mean, "targeted"?

2018-01-16 13:31:19 UTC  

Did they even do anything?

Sweden will just be but that wasn't real mass migration

probs means got beat up

give them a hiding, which is very HA

warning shot

2018-01-16 13:33:03 UTC  

That's a rather mild way for vigilantes to handle gang leaders...

They don't care about the community as such

They just need the crime rate to stay LOW