Message from @Broo TulsiGang 2024 πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Discord ID: 402976165972672512

2018-01-16 23:55:05 UTC  

certainly if you believe the filings of the NGOs

2018-01-16 23:55:24 UTC  

I have no reason to believe that the clintons gave any of our money where they should have

but First Ladies shoping in Paris has increased 700%

2018-01-16 23:55:36 UTC  

and also, the red cross has grossly mishandled the funds they spent

2018-01-16 23:55:48 UTC  

All those fuckers do is agriculture, yet they need to import food. Because only 10% of their crops have irrigation.

I cannot understand the crops

but they cannot grow anything?

it's enough to make you go alt-right

but I'd rather, just grow stuff

2018-01-16 23:58:35 UTC

not the corn you bork

the soil man

the corn is the product bell end

but mostly the water which SA has none so FU

2018-01-17 00:01:47 UTC


2018-01-17 00:03:11 UTC  

thank you, I need to practice the art of the meme for the coming war

I'm not joining any war

2018-01-17 00:04:22 UTC  

British empire is now barely kingdom <:sad:382980750347206666>

We let all our children fly the nest

and it went ok!

Do you guys understand why we let them go tho?

Google that

2018-01-17 00:37:50 UTC

Purge the Moles!

2018-01-17 10:58:17 UTC  

"More than a dozen C.I.A. informants were killed or imprisoned by the Chinese government."

2018-01-17 10:58:21 UTC  

frankly it's hard to imagine

The Spy Game?

2018-01-17 11:12:08 UTC  

@Smak64 yeah the problem with those things is that they're always fake

2018-01-17 11:13:48 UTC  

As in the story? Because I can verify it, at least somewhat

2018-01-17 11:14:12 UTC  

as in that the propaganda is always produced by an SJW or a black kid to produce outrage

2018-01-17 11:14:26 UTC  

note the word "always"

2018-01-17 11:14:29 UTC  

I'm looking at the university's official twitter here, the one they use for news, and they have two posts about how they're removing these racist posters

2018-01-17 11:14:41 UTC  

I have no doubt that the posters exist