Message from @nic

Discord ID: 407144691558121473

someone might get butthurt


2018-01-27 23:00:22 UTC  

yeah, that's not an accurate representation of the message mcdonnell actually wants to convey

2018-01-27 23:00:27 UTC  

he just sucks at words, apparently

2018-01-27 23:01:51 UTC  

but he is a communist

2018-01-28 09:52:45 UTC  

`In a statement, Ludlow said royalties from the song since the early 1960s had been donated to the nonprofit Highlander Research and Education Center in Tennessee, which created the We Shall Overcome Fund to distribute all of the royalties through grants and scholarships in black communities. It was not immediately clear how much money the fund had distributed.`

2018-01-28 09:53:01 UTC  

yeah, I wonder how much Clinton Foundation learned from these assholes

2018-01-28 09:53:20 UTC  

how about the US get some real god damn transparency laws for nonprofits

2018-01-28 09:53:40 UTC  

`Ludlow also said uses of the song had in the past been β€œcarefully vetted” but warned that its words and melody could now be used by advertising agencies and others β€œin any manner they wish, including inaccurate historical uses, commercials, parodies, spoofs and jokes, and even for political purposes by those who oppose civil rights for all Americans.”`

2018-01-28 09:53:48 UTC  


2018-01-28 09:54:12 UTC  

a random fucker who claims ownership to the song for no reason, is now _warning the american people_ that the song can be used freely

2018-01-28 09:54:55 UTC  

how many assholes does your head need to be stuck into at the same time to say these things?

2018-01-28 12:04:40 UTC  

How the fuck are they going to manage that?
Isn't britan in a housing shortage from the EU's migration shit?

2018-01-28 12:05:38 UTC  

Also, how is this not just buying votes?
"If you vote for me I'll buy you a house!"
It's not even like "we will supply the homeless with living quarters", it's outright "sure we'll **buy** them houses ez"

2018-01-28 12:05:51 UTC  

they'll manage it just fine, they'll just seize property

2018-01-28 12:06:39 UTC  

but if one is unable to see the host of problems that this idea will bring with it, whether you actually seize property or not, you are not worthy of political office

2018-01-28 12:07:20 UTC  

also, if one thinks that giving a homeless person a room to sleep in _fixes anything_, you're also quite daft

2018-01-28 12:07:38 UTC  

Feels over reals m'dude

2018-01-28 12:08:12 UTC  

yes, but I mean homeless people who don't want to be homeless can be "saved", just not in the way this idiot wants to do it

I want a free house

I'll buy a tent and sleep in Corbyns garden

2018-01-28 12:24:17 UTC  

yeah that just confirms what I said, he's not worthy of political office

Jeremy's answe basically boils down to a good thing about Capitalism is I get to fight it

2018-01-28 12:24:38 UTC  

if you can't accurately represent or understand what it is you oppose, you're simply an idiot

2018-01-28 12:28:41 UTC  

`In the statement, Abdiraham said he went to the Mall of America to answer the "call for jihad by the Chief of Believer, Abu-bakr Al-baghdadi, may Allah protect him, and by the Mujahiden of the Islamic State."

The statement added, "I understand that the two men I stabbed know and have explained the reason for my attack, and I am here reaffirming that it was indeed an act of Jihad in the way of Allah."

Abdiraham also said in the statement that Americans will not be safe as long as "your country is at war with Islam."`

2018-01-28 12:28:49 UTC  

`Omar Jamal, an activist with a Somali watchdog group, said he is aware of the statement.

"This is a widespread sentiment with Somali youth," he said.`


2018-01-28 15:49:00 UTC  

Gadaffi is my waifu

2018-01-28 17:27:11 UTC  

You mean Gadaffu.

2018-01-28 17:34:25 UTC  

`"On Jan. 2, I basically got in a month's supply of potassium iodide and I sold out in 48 hours," said Jones, 53, who is a top distributor of the drug in the United States.`