Message from @folk

Discord ID: 407311730297798657

2018-01-28 21:56:05 UTC  


2018-01-28 21:57:09 UTC  

`What distinguishes Dr. Santos’s course from the one at Harvard in 2006, she said, is that it also focuses on behavioral change.`

2018-01-28 21:57:20 UTC  

also known as: every cults dream

2018-01-28 22:31:05 UTC  

`They reveal the intimate minutiae of a loving SS family, and a man who led a contradictory double life. He travelled to all the concentration camps, doing the financial books and running an SS commercial enterprise producing furniture and war supplies - all made by slave labour.

But in the evening he came home, tended the garden and helped raise four children. `

2018-01-28 22:31:20 UTC  

yes, well, that's not actually a contradiction you imbecile

2018-01-28 22:31:40 UTC  

necessarily, of course

but people with kids cannot do evil things REEEE

2018-01-28 22:36:48 UTC  

it's like that quote
[9:29 PM] DanConway: We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us. -Golda Meir

2018-01-28 22:37:14 UTC  

it's a beautiful quote, but not because it's meaningful - its beaty comes from the naive perception of reality inherent in Golda

2018-01-28 22:37:43 UTC  

because muslims do love their children, but they also _believe_ in allah, and his glory bestowed upon their children in their sacrifice

2018-01-28 22:38:07 UTC  

this kind of belief is almost impossible to comprehend for me

2018-01-28 22:38:30 UTC  

but it is _100% impossible_ for that bbc cuck to comprehend

2018-01-28 23:08:41 UTC  

at least link a better article on the subject if you absolutely must link that shit

2018-01-28 23:10:22 UTC  

that flamthrower sucks

2018-01-28 23:10:41 UTC  

yes I know, I posted a video in <#372507611284766722> earlier

2018-01-28 23:10:46 UTC  

it's more like a creme brulee torch

2018-01-28 23:11:19 UTC  

@Broo TulsiGang 2024 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 better articles than the one you linked ^

2018-01-28 23:15:06 UTC  

here is the best flamethrower that can be delivered to your front door

2018-01-28 23:15:44 UTC  

I think you're missing part of the video ID

2018-01-28 23:16:41 UTC  

usually they are 11 characters, that one is 10

2018-01-28 23:17:05 UTC  


2018-01-28 23:18:44 UTC  

he talks about firefighters and it just reminds me that I enjoyed Only the Brave, the movie about the hot shot team

2018-01-29 00:30:18 UTC  

anyone who knows anything about the US military knows that the officers have reading lists of books that are quite comprehensive and academic

2018-01-29 00:32:14 UTC

2018-01-29 00:32:39 UTC  

"we haven't been able to beat these guys wearing freaking robes", yeah I wonder why

2018-01-29 00:33:00 UTC (edited to remove start time)

2018-01-29 00:35:22 UTC  


2018-01-29 00:36:55 UTC  

1:12:50 or so is a great question+answer

2018-01-29 00:37:17 UTC  

and then at 1:17:50 comes the democrat asshole

2018-01-29 11:34:28 UTC  

`We found that the public servants engaged in positive (not negative) discrimination towards female and minority candidates:`, guess what, that's what every study of hiring finds

2018-01-29 11:34:48 UTC  

`Participants were 2.9% more likely to shortlist female candidates and 3.2% less likely to shortlist male applicants when they were identifiable, compared with when they were de-identified.

Minority males were 5.8% more likely to be shortlisted and minority females were 8.6% more likely to be shortlisted when identifiable compared to when applications were de-identified.

The positive discrimination was strongest for Indigenous female candidates who were 22.2% more likely to be shortlisted when identifiable compared to when the applications were de-identified.`

2018-01-29 11:58:01 UTC  

`The unit would find groups of men, drive toward them at high speed, and throw the doors open, to see who would run. Then they’d chase and detain those who fled—even though it’s easy to imagine anyone who had just had a car drive at them might split. According to Ward, officers might do this between 10 and 50 times a night.`

2018-01-29 11:58:21 UTC  

`Officers also sought out “dope-boy cars”—Honda Accords, Acura TLs, and others—and would pull them over for pretextual reasons like overly tinted windows or seat-belt violations. Any man over 18 carrying a book bag might be stopped as inherently suspicious. Ward also said the unit used illegal GPS trackers, and kept BB guns on hand if they needed to plant them in a pinch.`